Think you have to be a botanist, farmer or gardener to get your plants to germinate? Fake! The process is not difficult … Just be patient! That’s because some seeds really take too long to germinate and that’s boring! Especially if we want to see plants in our garden or on our terrace as soon as possible! How to make? There are some seeds that grow super-fast: beautiful flowers, delicious vegetables and herbs with incredible flavors in no time! A lush garden and vegetable patch is yours!

Fast growing vegetable plants!

A beautiful and lush vegetable garden, what a treat? We have many fast-growing vegetables. Even better! Some of them come in different varieties. Result: even more options depending on taste preferences and weather conditions! We show you some examples of vegetables that grow in no time!

  • The hub

It is a healthy vegetable par excellence. It contains fiber, vitamin C, In addition, it germinates quickly: five to ten weeks and all is well! Beets add sweetness and crunch to our dishes. Who says it better!

Beets are planted two to three weeks after the spring frost. These occur after only 3 to 5 days. Super-fast! You will understand: If you want to add a fast-growing vegetable to your vegetable garden, beets are an excellent choice! Even if you are a beginner, you will succeed … Also try radish seedlings, they are also an excellent vegetable that can be grown quickly.

  • Squash

Ah, this versatile and hardy vegetable that reminds us of the velvety soup of our grandmothers … Sown directly into the soil in April or May. It belongs to the category of easy sowing. Germination time? Only from 6 to 12 days maximum. That’s all! Sun, compost, soil fertilizer and ready! Give the pumpkin enough space to spread and water well. Nothing so complicated, right?

  • Beets

In addition to tender leaves and edible roots, beets provide plenty of antioxidants and fiber. Germination time? An average of 10 days. Depending on the temperature: between 50 and 70°F. We wait 8 to 12 days or even a little longer.  Another advantage! Beet seeds require very little care. Only that! The seeds are sown directly in nutrient-rich soil and shallow furrows from March to July, lightly covered with soil. The beautiful beets are yours. Happiness!

What flower seeds grow very quickly?

Would you like to add some life to your garden? Would you like to bring your little splash of color? Look no more! Here is a list of flowers with which you can beautify your exterior. Something different! They germinate quickly. Enough to kill two birds with one stone!

  • Zinnias

What better than zinnias to brighten your garden with its shimmering colors! We sow them as soon as the soil is warm. We see the young shoots appear in just 10 to 14 days. We see them bloom in a few weeks … with wonderfully vibrant and invigorating hues. Zinnias are planted in May, as explained on the Gerbeau garden page. We put them in a full sunspot and enjoy watching them take root. Soon a bed full of colorful flowers!

  • Care

5 to 8 days…This is the time it takes for this flower to germinate. Quickly done! It requires little care and grows quickly to add a touch of cheerfulness to any landscape. In addition, marigolds attract beneficial pollinators such as butterflies and bees! What better! Seeds of marigolds should be sown in spring or midsummer. We prefer a well-drained soil, marigolds do not tolerate damp places, no more sun… Let’s go!

  • Cosmos

Cosmos germinates in 5 to 7 days! It’s cool, isn’t it? Its bright petals create an enchanting atmosphere in any outdoor area! Cosmos grows quickly and makes a great companion plant for celery. Sow as soon as there is no danger of frost… Full sun and a minimum of water, that’s what these flowers need… It’s easy!

  • Sunflower

Sunflowers are among the fastest growing seeds. Did you know that they can germinate between 5 and 7 days? Partners of the beautiful season, they brighten balconies and gardens with their bright yellow flowers… They are sown directly in the ground or in large pots after the spring frost. Did you know that the sunflower Helianthus annuus can reach a height of up to 4 meters, especially if sown in April? Surprised?

What plants grow quickly? Fast growing aromatic herbs!

Want to quickly grow a garden of aromatic plants? These varieties of herb seeds are just what you need!

  • Fenugreek

With its delicate leaves, fenugreek adds a unique flavor to your curries, soups and salads. Even better! It is known for its multiple health benefits. It is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. This versatile herb germinates in 3-5 days. The first leaf we see a week later!

  • Basil

Basil, a thoughtful choice! With a unique flavor, it germinates in one to two weeks. Basil is planted from February to July and harvested from June to September. They need a good quality soil (fertile, moist and well-drained) and 6 to 8 hours of sunshine per day. Ah! Do not forget to plant the basil in pots to avoid the risk of frost. It’s all good!

What grows in less than a month? Watercress!

According to the garden site le monde watercress seeds germinate in 5 to 10 days. Yes, but the temperature must be around 68° F. It is the fastest growing plant. We harvest after 2 months. Watercress has a perfect peppery flavor for salads and sandwiches. Delicious! To plant watercress, you need quality soil, a pot, water and good drainage! Grow indoors all year round, but also outdoors. In warmer climates we prefer winter or autumn and in milder climates spring.

So, dear readers and budding gardeners, are you ready to spruce up your garden and add a touch of color?