Originally bay leaf is an herb that can flavor dishes and sauces. Its leaves are also used to compose the bouquet garni with parsley and thyme. In addition to their culinary benefits, bay leaves are also used to take care of the house and especially the laundry. Find out what household problem you can solve with a handful of bay leaves.

Your garment rubbed off while washing in the machine and you wonder how to repair the damage. Do not panic! You can save your garment and remove discoloration with an ingredient you probably have in your kitchen: Bay leaf.

Bay leaf, an ingredient for laundry care

When washing, it is important not to mix colors. In fact, due to poor laundry sorting, clothes can stain and lose their original color. If you find yourself in this situation, know that thanks to bay leaves it is possible to recover a rubbed laundry without damaging it, especially if it is delicate. For this, the trick is simple. Just mix in a pot 2 quarts of water with 12 bay leaves sauce and bring the mixture to a boil.  Then remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture steep for 15 minutes. Remove the bay leaves and throw your wash into the pot. Use a wooden spatula to stir your garment occasionally and let it sit until the infusion cools.

Another trick is to mix 4 bay leaves with 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a pot. Fill the pot with water and bring your mixture to a boil. When your mixture has boiled, reduce the heat and let it simmer for another 20 minutes . Then pour your mixture into a basin and soak your rubbed off clothes in it. Leave on all day, rinse and wash as usual. This grandmother’s trick will make your laundry shine again.

What are other uses of bay leaves at home?

Besides keeping bleached laundry, bay leaves can also be used to solve other household problems. In fact, they are effective in perfuming the house and eliminating bad odors. To do this, you can pour a few bay leaves with a little water in a pot over low heat. When the water boils, remove the pan from the heat. Then, you can move the pan to the rooms you want to perfume to disperse the fragrant steam that comes out of the pan.

  • Bay leaves to perfume the house

Another trick is to burn very dry bay leaves with a lighter. When the flame begins to consume the leaves, blow on it to extinguish it. Then store the bay leaves in an ashtray or metal container to release their pleasant fragrance. Note that you can also use eucalyptus leaves to perfume your interior and get rid of unpleasant odors.

Bay leaves to eliminate bad odors from toilets. Bay leaves can also be used to disinfect and eliminate bad odors in the toilet bowl.  To do this, mix in a container some household alcohol, water and a few drops of bay leaf essential oil. Use this mixture to thoroughly clean the toilet or pour the solution directly into the bowl.

  • Bay leaves to smell the floor

This aromatic herb is also effective in perfuming the soil. To do this, you can prepare a homemade natural cleaner by mixing an infusion of bay leaves with white vinegar.


Before using bay leaves in the home, certain precautions are in order: babies and people with asthma should avoid them to avoid developing allergies.