When we wash clothes, we rightly expect them to come out of the washing machine clean and fresh. Unfortunately, sometimes we experience nasty surprises and one of the most common is none other than the bad smell on freshly washed clothes. To save time, we can make washing mistakes that cause this inconvenience and we will do well to avoid them. This article is not about knowing how to put an end to bad odors, but about listing the laundry mistakes that supposedly create moisture odors on our clothes. Take a look at these fake good laundry ideas.

Laundry mistakes that leave a damp smell on our clothes

Here are the main washing and drying mistakes that can be responsible for the musty smell on our clothes.

  • Overloading the washing machine can cause the damp smell

This is a mistake in which the drum of the washing machine is overloaded. A counterproductive gesture that does not clean clothes effectively. A machine that is too full makes the clothes wetter and takes much longer to dry.

  • Lack of air favors the appearance of damp odor

If your laundry is not adequately ventilated while drying, moisture can build up there. Don’t pile all your wet laundry in a dryer in hopes of saving time, or you’ll end up with laundry that smells damp. It could also affect the fabric so much that you will have to iron many of your garments. It’s best to spread out your washes while giving your clothes the space they need to dry properly. At the same time, be sure to ventilate the room for 15 minutes to allow for free air flow. Good ventilation is important for drying quality.

  • Drying clothes in a damp room can cause a damp smell

When it’s cold, another reflex is to dry clothes in a room like the bathroom. Know, however, that this is a mistake. Lack of air inevitably leads to musty smells after some time. If you do not want to open the windows of your house for fear of the cold, you should get a dehumidifier so that your things dry faster.

  • Not cleaning your washing machine can leave a damp smell on your clothes

Washing machines tend to retain moisture, which leads to mold growth and a lingering odor. To avoid this, wipe out the drum with a homemade household cleaner and then run a high-temperature vacuum cycle after pouring a few tablespoons of baking soda into the detergent drawer. The baking soda will not only help kill bacteria, but also deodorize your machine.

Also, remember to leave the door of your machine ajar between each use. In fact, a good ventilation will allow a good drying and thus prevent your laundry from smelling musty. Another detail do not forget that the rubber seals of the drum can harbor dirt and bacteria. Do not hesitate to clean and disinfect them.

  • An incorrect amount of detergent can contribute to an unpleasant smell of moisture

If you think using a lot of detergent will save you time and efficiency, think again. Too much detergent only creates foam, which traps dirt and odor-causing bacteria. Just follow the label and the markings in the cap to use the right amount of detergent. In terms of water temperature, prefer to use hot water for fabrics that can withstand it to better eradicate bacteria.

  • The frequent use of fabric softener is also responsible for the damp smell

It’s hard not to want to use fabric softeners to perfume and soften our fabrics. However, frequent use will only mask unwanted odors instead of neutralizing them. Instead, it is advisable to prefer white vinegar, which aims to have a deodorizing and disinfecting effect.

If you find it difficult to give up the fragrant properties of a fabric softener, you can always add a few drops of essential oil diluted in water in the appropriate compartment. Thyme, mint, lavender or even eucalyptus, you have something for everyone. You can also make your own fabric softener without chemicals.