Vegetables are an important source of fiber and vitamins for the body, especially if they are fresh and organic. To avoid eating vegetables contaminated by pesticides, consider growing them in your garden or on a patio, even if you don’t have a vegetable patch. Find out what vegetables you can grow in pots at home. Even without a vegetable garden, you can grow some vegetables at home. A planter, tubs or pots are all you need to grow fresh organic vegetables.

What vegetables to grow in pots?

  1. Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be grown in pots. Therefore, they will easily find their place on your balcony. Just make sure you dedicate a wide and deep pot to them, as the roots need space for tomato plants to grow healthily. The choice of substrate is also important, as tomatoes need enough nutrients to grow. Water the soil as soon as it begins to dry out, without water stagnating in the saucer or cup. Tomatoes like the sun very much, so place your pot in a sunny place protected from the wind.

  1. The pepper

All varieties of peppers can be grown in pots. To do this, sow the seeds first in pots at the end of February and remember to transplant the young plants into pots 60 to 90 days after sowing. Prefer a pot with holes in the bottom to allow better drainage of the substrate. Water the soil as soon as it dries out, avoiding excessive moisture so that the roots do not rot.  The bell pepper is a particularly greedy plant, so remember to give it fertilizer every 2 weeks during its vegetative growth phase. Keep your peppers in a sunny place and away from cold and drafts. Keep in mind that aphids can infest your plants, so consider flushing the leaves of your plant to get rid of them.

  1. Zucchini

To enjoy fresh zucchini, grow it at home in pots. Choose non-runner varieties that are better suited for growing in pots, as they require less space than runner zucchini. Keep your vegetable plant in sun, but prefer partial shade during the hottest hours. Water the base of your zucchini with a watering can to avoid wetting the foliage, as this will lead to the development of certain diseases such as powdery mildew. If you keep your zucchini on the balcony, they are less likely to be attacked by slugs and snails.

  1. The radishes

This crunchy, health-promoting vegetable is very easy to grow. To grow well, radishes simply need moist, light, rock-free soil. Radishes grow quickly, as you can get your first harvests in as little as 3 weeks. In pots, prefer round varieties that require less height.  Radishes don’t like high heat, so put your pots in the shade during the summer.

  1. Lettuce

Lettuce grows very quickly, and you can harvest it often to prepare your salads. To sow it, prefer spring, because lettuce does not resist frost. Opt for a large square container to maintain a distance of about 4 inches between each plant.

  1. The peas

Growing peas in pots is easy, as this vegetable does not require special care. The pot must be deep enough and preferably terracotta to allow good aeration of the substrate. Also prefer a tall pot to protect your seedlings from birds. The substrate should be well-drained, light and cool. Don’t pack it too much so that your peas can spread their roots better.  Also remember to enrich the substrate with compost, because peas appreciate nutrient-rich soil. Keep your peas exposed to natural light, watch out for excessive heat, and water them regularly but lightly to keep the soil moist.

  1. Carrots

Carrots can also be grown in containers, provided you choose the right variety. In fact, small varieties are better suited for growing in pots. Choose a wide and deep pot, as the roots need space to grow. You can add fertilizer to the potting soil, but choose a low-nitrogen fertilizer, as this nutrient promotes the growth of leaves and not edible roots.

This list is not exhaustive, as you can also grow other vegetable plants at home, such as eggplant, cucumber, spinach or garlic. You can also grow aromatic plants at home such as rosemary, sage, thyme or even mint to perfume your interior and flavor your dishes. All you need to do is to know the growing conditions of each plant.