The dishwasher not only cleans dirty dishes. The dishwasher can also give other things a new shine. We tell you what else can go in the dishwasher cycle.

After cooking and eating, hardly anyone feels like cleaning all the dishes and cutlery by hand. Therefore, the dishwasher in the kitchen is a huge labor saver. Once set up and switched on, the dishes quickly become clean again. But the dishwasher can do much more than that: you can subject the following seven items to a wash cycle in the dishwasher, because the hot water has a strong effect against dirt and bacteria – and on top of that, cleaning in the dishwasher is often more energy-efficient.

  1. Toys of children and dogs

Dust, dirt, saliva: children’s and dogs’ toys have to withstand quite a lot. Cleaning them is not witchcraft. Instead of cleaning everything individually, you can simply put buckets, play figures and co. in the dishwasher. The important thing here is to pay attention to the material. Items made of plastic can be cleaned at 113 °F without any problems.

  1. The filter of the cooker hood

The more often you cook, the more often you should also clean the cooker hood and its filter. This is a tedious task, because the grease that settles on and in the cooker hood can be very stubborn. If you have a metal filter, however, you can have it cleaned by the dishwasher without hesitation. To do this, detach it from the holder and place it in the dishwasher. If it is particularly dirty, it is best to place it horizontally in the dishwasher. The intensive program removes dirt and grease.

  1. Rinsing brush and rinsing sponge

It comes into contact with water and dirt – and therefore provides the ideal breeding ground for bacteria: The dishwashing brush. It is therefore all the more important to change it regularly. However, in order for the dishwashing brush to last a little longer, cleaning it is particularly important. In the dishwasher, the washing-up brush becomes really clean again – and bacteria don’t stand a chance. The same applies to kitchen sponges.

  1. Toothbrushes and tongue cleaners

For a bright clean smile, you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. To maintain oral hygiene, it is recommended to replace the brush every three months. This is because frayed bristles not only damage the gums, but are also ideal breeding grounds for food debris, bacteria and germs. For those who prefer to clean their dental cleaning utensils in between uses, brushes and tongue scrapers can easily be put in the dishwasher.

  1. Soap dish and toothbrush tumbler

Sometimes you don’t want to take too close a look, because dirt and debris quickly collect in the toothbrush cup and soap dish, too. Just as with the dishwashing brush, bacteria also feel particularly at home here. If you regularly put the tumbler and dish in the dishwasher, this problem is quickly solved.

  1. The shower head

If the nozzles of the shower head are calcified and the water pressure has already decreased noticeably as a result, a rinse cycle in the dishwasher can do no harm. The hot temperatures in the dishwasher dissolve dirt and lime, and the rinse aid provides a new shine. Cleaning the shower head in this way saves time and is gentler than aggressive cleaning agents.

  1. The vacuum cleaner filter

The permanent filters of the vacuum cleaner can also be washed in the dishwasher, if they are made of waterproof material such as plastic. This will also eliminate the fine dust particles that do not want to come off when previously beating out the coarse dirt. Instead of bad odor and fine dust, the vacuum cleaner again spreads only pleasantly fresh air after the rinse cycle.