Condensation is a natural phenomenon that often occurs in winter when warm air comes into contact with cold air. It can appear daily on your windows and at the same time indicate moisture problems in your home. Fortunately, it is possible to get rid of it with a simple and inexpensive trick. By using this natural ingredient, you will not incur any additional costs.

How to get rid of condensation on windows with salt?

To get rid of condensation on your windows, you need to follow this simple and inexpensive trick. This will prevent moisture from appearing and limit the spread of mold. This moisture problem needs to be taken seriously as mold can be harmful to your health, especially if you have respiratory problems.

To limit the occurrence of moisture on your windows, you need to use salt that you can find in one of your kitchen cabinets. To do this, place a bowl filled with salt on your windowsill and leave it overnight. Repeat the process when you find that the salt has hardened and replace it.  Nothing could be easier than this inexpensive solution to overcome condensation on your windows. Therefore, you do not need to invest in a dehumidifier to solve this problem. Salt has an effective moisture absorption capacity.

Learn more tips to remove condensation on your windows.

There are other tricks you can use to get rid of condensation on your windows.

  • Keep your curtains open to avoid moisture on your windows

To limit the occurrence of moisture on your windows, make sure to leave your curtains open to prevent condensation from forming on your windows. Leaving them open allows air to circulate freely between your windows and curtains. Especially since it prevents your curtains from getting wet from moisture.

  • Dry your clothes outside to prevent condensation on your windows

To avoid moisture problems on your windows, consider drying your clothes outside if you can. Also, damp laundry can cause condensation to form on your windows and sometimes even give off a musty odor . So avoid drying your clothes indoors by drying them outside when the weather is nice.

  • Think about anti-condensation paint to avoid moisture on your windows

Anti-condensation paint can help you limit the appearance of moisture on your windows and inside your home. This very thick paint gives your walls an extra layer of insulation . This will allow you to benefit from better insulation when you do not have the opportunity to perform work or renovation.

  • Use plants to limit humidity and therefore condensation on your windows.

You can draw moisture out of rooms before it settles permanently and promotes condensation on your windows. To do this, you can use moisture-absorbing plants like saw palmetto or nepenthe. You can place them in the affected rooms to reduce condensation.

You now know the tips to limit condensation on your windows. In addition, as a last resort, you can always opt for a moisture absorber to make your job easier.