It often happens that old orchids look like they should be thrown away. Do not do this, they can be easily restored.

Orchids, beloved by many garden lovers, often prove difficult to grow. In fact, it is not uncommon to be confronted with a sad sight: an orchid that appears completely dry and hopeless. The temptation to throw away old orchids and replace them with new plants can be strong, but before you make any hasty decisions, it’s important to know that orchids can be restored and restored to their original beauty. Let’s take a look at how to bring orchids back to life in a simple way.

Never throw away old orchids

Regardless of their species, orchids have specific needs that must be understood in order to care for them properly. These are plants that, in nature, are accustomed to clinging to other plants or surfaces and absorbing nutrients and water from the surrounding air and organic material. These plants prefer tropical climates and thrive in bright locations, but without direct sunlight. However, you may have an orchid that is so dry that it appears dead, but you should never just give up on it. There are procedures that can be used to try to recover the plant and restore its vitality.

Do not throw away old orchids

First, it is necessary to isolate the plant from other specimens to avoid the risk of spreading diseases. Then carefully examine the stem and roots. If the stem appears empty and the roots are dry and brown, the plant is most likely dead, but this does not mean that it is really hopeless.

You can carefully try to cut the stem gently, removing only the obviously dead parts and trying to preserve the parts that are still alive. Next, soak the roots of the plant in distilled water at room temperature for about 15-20 minutes. Distilled water helps to hydrate dry roots and stimulate the recovery process. After soaking the roots, carefully wrap them in peat moss, which retains moisture and creates an ideal environment for root growth. It would be ideal to put everything in a glass vase to allow light to pass through while protecting the plant. Then place the plant in a bright environment, but without direct sunlight, and wait.

Here’s how to proceed after trunk care

It is important to remember that orchid recovery requires time, patience and constant care. Check the plant regularly to ensure that the moss is always moist, adding distilled water as needed. At the same time, be careful to avoid overwatering, as orchid roots can rot if left in standing water for too long.


As the weeks go by, the first signs of life should appear, new roots develop and possibly even a sprout in the stem. These are positive signs of recovery. At this stage, it is necessary to continue to follow the previously described care practices to experience a true rebirth of the orchid in a short time.


Salvaging a seemingly dead orchid can be very rewarding, especially if you have an emotional attachment to the plant. Although these plants are fragile, they can surprise you with their incredible ability to regenerate when placed in the right conditions.