On plants in the garden and at home at the end of February is enough a single drop: it is needed so that they grow quickly and well.

Plants in the house or garden always need care, even if not everyone has the classic green thumb. In general, professional gardeners recommend the use of natural ingredients or food scraps, ideal as plant food. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and mineral salts, especially in the peels, which are often discarded in organic waste. In this case, a drop directly on the soil is enough to have a healthy plant full of leaves and flowers: This must be done immediately at the end of February.

Solution for plants at the end of February: what are the ingredients?

It is not always necessary to resort to commercially available chemicals. Often and willingly, nature manages to donate ingredients that are commonly used and can help the plant grow with alternative but optimal nutrients to make it healthy and lush. At the end of February, this substance helps plants welcome spring with a protective shield for the last cold days of winter. The ingredients are very few and simple:

  • The peel of a banana
  • Hot water
  • A pitcher
  • A dispenser

Banana peel is an energy concentrate for plants, rich in potassium and calcium with vitamins necessary for their growth. Of course, the pulp should never be thrown away, but used as a healthy snack before the gym or after a workout. Ideal also for making cakes or puddings, to some delicacies to share with friends. An example? Slice the banana and put it in a glass, then cover it with melted dark chocolate and whipped cream. A treat for the palate.

Procedure and advice: what are the advantages of this natural solution for plants?

The banana peel, on the other hand, is a treat for plants. The procedure is very simple, in fact it is enough to cut the banana peel into small pieces to put them in a jar. Immediately after, pour a quart of hot water, close the jar with the lid and leave to macerate for 4 days in a warm place. During the maceration process, the water becomes cloudy and frothy.

Open the lid and filter the substance completely, which is then poured into a dispenser. 3 or 4 drops per pot is enough – directly on the soil – to provide the plants with all the nutrients they need in these last days of February.

How often should the operation be repeated? From the end of February, it repeats every 15 days without interruption for a year. It is important that the plants receive these natural drops to grow and become even healthier and more beautiful. In the spring they will thank you with colorful and beautiful flowers.