Is scrubbing the tiles and glass in the bathroom a nightmare? With this mixture you will have the right cleanliness immediately for a long time.

The bathroom is one of the places that must be left clean, but also where germs and bacteria often lurk. Considering that these are places where sensitive body parts rest without any protection, a thorough disinfection is essential. There are countless products on the market with different types of chemical ingredients that can certainly be used for any type of material or type of bathroom: But there is a compound discovered by experts that disinfects and cleans after a single splash.

How to disinfect the bathroom? Procedure and advice

The bathroom is an intimate and relaxing place where you prepare for the day or your body for the night. Regardless of the activity performed in this environment, it is good that it is always disinfected, clean and free of all types of germs and bacteria.

No matter how much you clean every day, the bathroom will never be as clean and fresh installed, precisely because moisture tends to damage every part and create mold and encrusted dirt. As a first step, experts explain how to disinfect the shower or bathtub, despite the glass partition.

  • First, spray the vinegar and then scrub the tiles and the tub/shower tray with accessories well with a fine brush. Immediately after, pour vinegar on a large scrub brush to vigorously scrub the entire room.
  • Now take a classic damp sponge and remove the detergent residues until they are all eliminated. Now wipe with water and rinse thoroughly.
  • If present, remove the seals of the shower enclosure or the plastic parts that serve as shock absorbers: After removal, pass the brush with the detergent and try to remove all traces of dirt and mold, and then rinse.

Those who have the glass of the shower enclosure, you can disinfect it with vinegar and leave it for 10 minutes after spraying. Immediately after that, take a scouring pad and pour sodium bicarbonate on it, an innovative technique that resembles a body scrub. In this case, the exfoliation occurs on the glass of the shower, removing dirt and bacteria. Rinse completely.

Cleaning bathroom tiles: the definitive method

The final method to wash the tiles and ensure that they are disinfected for a long time, results in a rich mixture of ingredients that are mixed together . These are:

  • 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/2 cup methylated spirits
  • washing up liquid 1 tsp
  • 3 cups of water

Mix and then pour everything into a classic empty spray bottle. This mixture is then sprayed directly on the bathroom tiles to eliminate all traces of germs – bacteria – dirt and mold for a very long time, as it creates a protective patina. The same mixture can be used on the glass of the shower stall and on the glass of the house.