How to make an insecticide from coffee grounds, a product that will help you control insects, especially flies. This solves some very common problems. We reveal how to give new life to coffee grounds. Instead of throwing them away, create this amazing product. We are sure you will not regret it.

How to recycle used coffee

There are so many people who throw away their coffee grounds after consuming this delicious drink. However, they don’t know that they could repurpose the funds and give them incredible other uses. For example, you can use coffee grounds as fertilizer for the garden. All you have to do is pour the coffee on the soil of your favorite plants to see them get new life. Another way to reuse it is to neutralize odors. In fact, coffee has a very special aroma that manages to overcome many unpleasant odors in our home, such as those coming from the refrigerator. Not everyone knows it, but coffee grounds also have a great abrasive power that can be used, for example, to clean pots and pans. And thanks to their abrasive and exfoliating power, agents can be used to remove dead cells from our skin.

They also manage to counteract another skin blemish, orange peel skin. It is enough to perform massages with circular movements to notice daily improvements. Coffee grounds can also be used to regrow our hair, in the places where we notice a slight fall for example, perhaps due to stress or an unbalanced diet. And then the coffee grounds can be used to repair scratched furniture. All you have to do is make a paste with the grounds and some olive oil to rub it on the scratched furniture. And if you do not know why so many people put coffee grounds on their windowsills, below we reveal the reason.

Insecticide with coffee grounds

As we have already told you, coffee grounds should never be thrown away, but reused. Today we present a method to recycle them that takes advantage of the incredible smell that these agents give off. In fact, the smell of coffee can neutralize bad odors that come from every corner of the house, but it can also neutralize something else: Insects. In particular, coffee grounds are particularly effective at keeping flies away. So, if you want to make an insecticide with coffee grounds, you just need to fill a few cups with this ingredient and put them on the balconies or on the sills of your windows. It is a simple method, but it works perfectly. Thus, the flies that cannot stand this smell , will refrain from invading your home. Remember that you need to change the coffee grounds regularly and replace the old one. This is the only way to ensure that the coffee aroma remains intense and effective in the long term. We are sure that insects will stay away from your home.