Finding dry and rotten plants is certainly one of the worst things that can happen, because it means having to say goodbye to the seedling. After so many months of sacrifice and probably even after spending a lot of money, there is nothing worse. Among all the plants that spoil easily because they need special care, there is the orchid. To torment are the roots, which, despite careful watering of the plant out of nowhere also rotted, without exceeding them.

How to care for the orchid?

Orchids, for example, are beautiful plants that give pleasure, but need good ventilation, otherwise they will suffocate. They are supposed to grow on trees, so if you treat them like any other houseplant, suddenly the leaves turn yellow, the roots rot and the flowers fall off. Be careful, because this can happen not only to this type of plant, but to all. Fortunately, even if the roots are partially or completely dead, there are probabilities that make us hope and believe that I can save the plant. Just follow the special instructions to bring it back to life in a simple and quick way.

How to tell from the leaves if the plant is dry or almost dead.

If the leaves are yellow, the seedling probably didn’t get enough water or the soil was left wet for too long. Standing water will cause the root to rot and thus the plant will suddenly die. On the other hand, if the leaves are wrinkled, it means that they have not received enough water, so they are dehydrated. Generally, a plant rots because it is excessively wet, so the roots do not have the right time to dry because the watering is close. A second hypothesis could simply be that the water stagnates in the saucer, which also promotes the spread of infection by fungi or other parasites.

How to save the almost dead plant

To save the plant, you need to torch it, remove all the substrate that covers the roots, then remove the rotten ones, leaving only the healthy ones. Healthy leaves are green or white, while rotten or dry leaves are brown or black. Then sterilize the root with 3% hydrogen peroxide , pot the seedling in a new pot with the dry substrate and wet each leaf with kitchen paper to hydrate it. Once you are done, you need to wait at least two or three days with watering, in this way the plant should return to virtually perfect health as it was just purchased.

The second certainly effective method, which is ready to save one or more lives.

A second method is to cut off the dry branches, then remove all the dry leaves, leaving only the root outside, put a little dry cement in a vase, obviously a spoon is enough. To do this, you need to add half a quart of water, then stir the mixture, a little of this water is poured into a fairly large container, in which you need to immerse the roots. At this point, they are left like this for 30 minutes. Then the root is left to dry for an hour, put it in a vase and cover with soil. After a week, water is poured into another container, then an aloe vera leaf is cut and placed in the water to release the miraculous aloe gel in any context. The water is then used to water the plant, which is covered and left covered as if it were in a greenhouse. It is discovered after a maximum of 3 weeks, to the great surprise the seedling has formed new leaves and therefore has come back to life.

Once this result is achieved, it is advisable to follow some guidelines that will allow you to take care of this life in the best possible way, without overdoing it with water or forgetting to water it when necessary. Each seedling is different from the others, there are those that need a lot of water and those that can manage even with little water. Therefore, if you are not well informed, it is advisable to ask the appropriate questions before buying any type of plant.