Among the most charming and elegant materials that can be used to furnish an apartment we definitely find marble. Especially, marble stairs are absolutely enchanting in their elegance and sophistication.

It must be said, however, that this is a particularly delicate material that needs very careful care. Some of “grandma’s” tricks, however, can come in handy. Let’s see, then, how best to clean marble stairs.

Cleaning marble stairs: basic ingredients

Before starting the cleaning of marble stairs, it is necessary to remove coarse debris and dust. Use a vacuum cleaner or broom to carry out the task. There are also special cloths that allow you to give shine to the stairs already after a first pass.

Once we have proceeded, then we should make a natural detergent, based on some essential ingredients. We will need baking soda, organic soap, 1 pint of water and a few drops of essential oil, to our liking. This last element will give a very interesting scent indeed.

How to prepare natural detergent

To make the natural detergent we will have to proceed as follows. First, we combine organic soap with baking soda, about three tablespoons. We mix until the mixture is homogeneous and above all frothy, without lumps.

If we use flaky soap, then we will need to dissolve it properly first. Having diluted the mixture and blended it, then we will store it in a bottle so that it can be stored over time when needed. The cleaner can at this point also be used to wash our stairs.

Once we have cleaned the marble stairs of dust, then we fill a bucket with warm water. Next, we add half a capful of the created natural cleaner and start washing the stairs with a microfiber cloth. Let’s dry it and wring it out slowly.

Let’s also dry well any traces of water from our stairs, this is because they might be absorbed by the marble and then not get a result that is optimal. In fact, in some cases the marble might even be ruined in the long run.

Grandma’s trick to best clean our marble stairs, however, does not end there. We can use a woolen cloth or even old socks that we no longer wear, placing them on a broom and, once the stairs are completely dry, proceed by wiping over them several times. You will get a really spatial result, with super shiny stairs like you have never seen!