Dust can be stubborn, and it is necessary to remove it to keep your home clean and healthy. Therefore, effective and lasting cleaning requires some meticulous means. In this article, we reveal the secret of top hotels and housekeepers to make your furniture shine for a whole week and longer.  While there are several household cleaning methods, not all are effective when it comes to long-term dust removal. Industrial products can be used, but some of them are unfortunately harmful to the environment and cost more than homemade products. Here are some dust control tips that Laurence Beauville, former hotel housekeeper, shares with us.

How to eliminate dust sustainably?

For dusting our office or home furniture, here’s the ultimate trick to say goodbye to dust

Clean dust with shampoo or conditioner:

For this, you will need a glass of hot water and a teaspoon of your shampoo or conditioner. Mix these two ingredients together before pouring them into a spray bottle. You can then use this solution to clean your furniture and even your walls with a cloth or towel. They will shine dust-free for several days.

What other ways to get rid of dust for a long time?

Some products are effective and are preferred more than others because they improve the effectiveness of cleaning.

  • Clean dust with white vinegar:

White vinegar is one of the most effective natural products in terms of household care. Mix 4 fl oz of white vinegar with 8 fl oz of distilled water, 25 drops of essential oil of your choice and 2 fl oz of vegetable oil. Carry the resulting solution in a spray bottle and shake vigorously. In addition to eliminating dust for several days, a pleasant smell will be spread throughout the house.

  • Clean dust with lemon:

Like white vinegar, lemon is also a popular choice for homemade cleaners. Mixed in a spray bottle with baking soda and black soap, you get an impressive dust repellent spray. To prepare it, you will need 20 drops of lemon essential oil, one tablespoon of baking soda, one teaspoon of black soap and 16 fl oz of warm water. Mix all these ingredients together well and spray the liquid in small doses on the surfaces to be dusted. Use a soft cloth to wipe it off. It also works with grapefruit essential oil. This trick will make your furniture shine and dust won’t be able to settle on it for a while.

  • Clean dust with glycerin:

To wipe off the dust in your living spaces permanently, you can use a microfiber cloth moistened with glycerin. It will trap dirt and make your furniture shine for a long time. Put a tablespoon of glycerin in a container with 1 quart of lukewarm water and soak the cloth in it for 15 minutes, then let it dry. Then start the cleaning process. With these tricks, you will make your furniture shine for at least a week. But to limit the occurrence of dust in your home, we also recommend placing floor mats at each entrance, removing old carpets and reducing the accumulation of knickknacks. Air purifiers are also highly recommended to capture and filter dust particles in your living space.