Swollen legs are not uncommon in summer. Why this is so and what you can do about it, you can read here.

Do your feet hurt after a long day on your feet? With the high temperatures, they are often thick and feel heavy. But why do you have swollen legs in the summer in the first place and what can you do about it? Here are 6 countermeasures.

Swollen legs: These are the causes

How do swollen legs develop? Edema, as the medical term suggests, is caused by excess pressure in the smallest blood and lymph vessels. This causes fluid to build up in the surrounding tissue. The causes of swollen legs are manifold. Often, predisposition or hormones can play a role. Certain medications or diseases of the internal organs such as heart, liver, kidneys, thyroid gland can also trigger swelling in the legs.

What helps against swollen legs?

In most cases, however, factors that you can influence yourself play a role. These include the following points:

  • Drink enough water

Even if it is difficult: Drink 2 to 3 quarts of water daily. Solid food already contains some of this. However, 1.5 quart must be taken in through drinks. It is not for nothing that people keep preaching how important water is. If you drink too little, you damage your health. The kidneys cannot work properly, the blood becomes more viscous, the cardiovascular system is strained and digestion is sluggish.

  • Wear compression stockings

Wearing compression stockings can increase the pressure in the blood vessels and thus reduce fluid accumulation in the legs. You can buy these special stockings at a medical supply store and get advice on how best to put them on.

  • Eat healthy

A healthy diet can help you dehydrate your body. When cooking, avoid salt as much as possible and season with herbs instead. Products that contain a lot of salt, such as potato chips, are also taboo. Instead, you can help your body with dehydrating foods such as rice, potatoes or pineapple, strawberries to remove fluids from the body.

  • Avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time

If you have to stand or sit for too long, you often have to deal with heavy legs. The veins have to transport the blood against the force of gravity to the heart. A lot of exercise helps against this. Exercise is ideal for relieving or even preventing the often-painful swelling in the legs.

  • Cooling, cooling, cooling

Especially in summer, the veins expand to keep the body temperature constant. The outflow can be temporarily disturbed. This can cause the legs and ankles to swell. Then it’s time to get out of the heat and take a cold shower. The cooling causes the vessels to contract again and the accumulation of water can drain away. 6.

  • Put up your legs

Simply take a short break and put your legs up. This often works wonders! Just like cooling, elevating the legs relieves the veins and promotes the drainage of fluid.

Conclusion: Legs should not be permanently swollen

These tips can bring clearly visible success with harmless water retention. However, if you suffer from swollen legs repeatedly during the day or constantly in the evening and also have visible spider veins, you should see a doctor. He will clarify what is behind the swelling.