The kitchen, an important room in the house, is often put to the test. With oil splatters on the floor and walls, grease stains on the cooktop or even repulsive odors from certain foods, it requires careful maintenance. Discover a tip that will make your everyday kitchen life much easier! Cooking at home is a fun way to spend time with your family. But cleaning is a tedious task that can be daunting. If you’re wondering how to clean and what products to use, here are two ingredients that will help you scrub all kitchen surfaces in no time.

Which cleaning tip should you prefer in the kitchen?

Two products within kitchen reach can be used to complete certain household tasks related to the kitchen.  A winning combination that is efficient and economical.

  • The trick with baking soda and dishwashing liquid

Baking soda, like white vinegar, is one of the leading cleaning products. It helps to clean almost any kitchen surface without damaging the materials. It is possible to use it to do the dishes or degrease the floor. To do this, mix two tablespoons of baking soda with dishwashing liquid. Then, with a sponge soaked in this mixture, rub the surfaces affected by the cooking splashes. It is also possible to use it to clean dishes. Just dip it in a basin of hot water with baking soda and dishwashing liquid and the grease marks will quickly disappear.

Other tips for cleaning the kitchen with baking soda:

Besides the above mixture, there are many other ways to clean the kitchen with baking soda. But beware, this versatile product is not suitable for all surfaces and can damage certain materials such as marble, silver or wood.

  • Tips for eliminating bad kitchen odors

After preparing a gourmet meal, certain cooking odors can linger in the kitchen. To remedy this, it is possible to fill a small cup or mug with baking soda and place it on your kitchen counter.  This will absorb any bad odors.

  • Tip for disinfecting kitchen sponges.

Kitchen sponges are a veritable nest of microbes and can also be cleaned with baking soda. Simply dip this instrument in a mixture of baking soda and hot water.  Let it soak for at least 4 hours before rinsing and wringing it out. All you need to do is let it dry in the sun.

  • Tip for cleaning the refrigerator

The refrigerator plays a vital role in the kitchen. It needs to be cleaned regularly to maintain the quality of the food and to cool the drinks in the best possible way. Prepare a paste by adding a little water to the baking sod. Then apply the preparation to all the inner surfaces of the refrigerator and rinse with a damp cloth. This trick will not only help you remove dirt, but also bad odors that remain inside the appliance.

  • Tip for removing lime scale

Lime stains can settle on kitchen faucets. To clean them thoroughly, it is possible to apply the soda paste and leave it for about ten minutes. Then add white vinegar and scrub with a sponge. All you need to do is rinse and dry with a dry cloth. As you must have understood, baking soda is an essential ally in terms of cleaning. Do not hesitate to try these methods to give your kitchen a clean look.