Besides taking care of our teeth to make them white and healthy, toothpaste is a product that can do many things at home. Believe it or not, this little tube can help us in many ways in our daily lives. It’s especially useful for maintaining your home and breathing life back into certain everyday items. We have selected 3 clever uses of this product!

Toothpaste, a miracle cleaning product! What are its benefits and properties?

As you must have understood, toothpaste is not only used to clean your teeth and give you a beautiful smile. It’s full of bleaching and antimicrobial agents, including baking soda, which are great for cleaning and disinfecting items and surfaces. In fact, cleaning experts say that toothpaste is a great way to clean certain corners of the house. It highlights its “gentle” abrasive action on deep stains and dirt. According to the expert, you can apply this product on walls, bathroom tile grout, dirty stoves and pots. The only requirement is to use a white and opaque toothpaste! Colored or yellow-based toothpastes can discolor and damage certain materials.

What can you clean with toothpaste?

Looking for an easy and inexpensive solution to give your interior a clean look? Toothpaste is THE solution you need! The key is to choose the right approach to take full advantage of the slightly abrasive texture. These products will thank you fully.

  • Clean the lids of the pans

Dishwashing detergent is not always enough to remove unsightly stains on the dishes. To give it a second youth, an empty tube of toothpaste can help! It is particularly effective for cleaning the glass lids of cooking pots, pans and other containers.

  • First, hold the toothpaste tube horizontally.
  • Cut the tube into several slices with scissors.
  • Then open one of the two ends of the cut piece to get a kind of cleaning strip.
  • Then rub the strip, which still contains a small dose of toothpaste, on the glasses, plates and lids of your pots and pans.
  • To thoroughly remove the dirt, feel free to use a sponge to finish the process.
  • All you need to do is rinse with a damp, clean cloth.
  • Make the bathroom faucets shine

Plumbing fixtures are often prone to scale buildup. To help it shine again, simply use the small amount left in your toothpaste tube. In the same way:

  • Use the strips you cut from your toothpaste tube to scrub chrome or ceramic surfaces.
  • Wipe the faucets again with a damp microfiber cloth.
  • For flawless results, wipe the entire surface of the unit again with a dry paper towel.

How to clean the grout and sanitary ware in the bathroom with toothpaste?

Just like the faucets, the plumbing fixtures and blackened grout in the bathroom also require careful maintenance.  Therefore, we can use the above trick or apply toothpaste directly to the areas to be cleaned. We rub, we rinse and voila, it’s done!

The only drawback is that this method can be very expensive, since you need a larger amount of product to clean large areas. Alternatively, you can use a soda paste. Now, your faucets are like new again!

  • Remove the rust from the scissors

Dirt and rust marks accumulate from handling the scissors. Fortunately, you can easily polish them with your toothpaste tube.

  • Cut your toothpaste tube according to the previous tips.
  • Then, open your scissors and rub the blades with the cut strips.
  • Then take an old toothbrush and scrub the item again.
  • Finally, rinse the instrument with a soft, clean cloth. And voilà!


  • Clean the soles of white shoes and sneakers.

Have your white shoes turned gray? And their soles have changed color? Toothpaste is an effective way to give them a bright white. What do you need? A tube of toothpaste and cloths should be enough.

How to clean the soles of sneakers with toothpaste?

Have you collected everything? Take a piece of your toothpaste tube and rub the inner part on the white soles of your shoes. If necessary, repeat this process with another strip filled with paste. Then remove any product residue with a wipe and clean thoroughly. And off you go! Your soles will be white as the first day!

Now it’s your turn to test the toothpaste tips! You will never see your toothpaste tube like this again.