Watering flowers properly can’t be that difficult, can it? Nevertheless, typical mistakes happen again and again, which ensure that your beloved plants do not grow properly or even die. But this can be prevented!

Watering flowers: These 8 mistakes harm your plants

Whether in the room, on the balcony or in the bed – you should pay attention to these things for the sake of your plants.

  1. Watering flowers at the wrong time

To water your flowers, there are favorable and less favorable time windows. At the height of summer, it is advisable not to water your plants in the middle of the day or in the evening, but in the early morning. In the evening, the soil is usually still so warmed up from the heat that the water evaporates quickly, and the plants cannot absorb enough water. At noon, the sun’s rays reflect the water, and your plants could burn in the worst case. The optimal time to water in midsummer is therefore between 3 and 5 in the morning. An automatic watering system can help here. Otherwise, you can still water your flowers in the early morning with a clear conscience.

  1. Water each plant equally

Not all plants need the same amount of water. Depending on the type of plant, decide how often and with how much or little water you water. In principle, plants with large leaves need more water. However, find out in advance about the water requirements of your plants. If you lose track, small notes on the plant pots can help, on which you note the watering time and the watering amount.

Note: Yellow leaves are often a sign that your plant is lacking water. Brown spots on the edges of the leaves, however, indicate that the plant in question has been watered too much.

  1. Water flowers with cold water

Some flowers are very sensitive to temperature. Therefore, you should not water especially sensitive flowers with a direct, ice-cold stream of water. So, find out in advance exactly how much care your plants need and water the sensitive ones better with stale water from the watering can.

  1. Rely exclusively on rain

Even if it has rained extensively, you should check whether your plants need additional water. Often, the amount of rain in summer is not enough to water thirsty plants sufficiently. Sometimes the rain only drips on the leaves of the plants and does not reach the ground at all. Plants near the house wall sometimes do not get any rain at all.

  1. Wrong care routine

Plants from the trade usually have a label with care instructions. These serve at least as a rough guide. A flower that needs watering twice a week should not be watered daily or at all. Not sure when to water your plants? You can easily find out with the help of the finger test or a pinecone. Here we explain how the trick with the pinecone works.

  1. Forgotten vacation replacement

Got a trip coming up? Then never forget to organize someone to take care of your plants while you’re away. After all, if the plants don’t get water for weeks, they will surely die. Alternatively, you can water your plants during your vacation with a DIY bottled watering system.

  1. Do not allow waterlogging

If water remains in the pot after watering, waterlogging can form. Many plants react to this with root rot and die. So, make sure that no water accumulates and regularly dump out the water on the saucers.

  1. Forget evergreen balcony plants

Even hardy plants need water, which amateur gardeners tend to forget. So, water the evergreens every now and then, even at low temperatures, so they don’t die. Although the plants need much less water than in spring or summer, you should not neglect them completely.

Admit it – you’ve probably made a mistake or two when watering flowers. But with the help of these tips, your plants are guaranteed to grow and thrive in the future.