Limescale and mold creep into different areas of the home, but they find their best place when we talk about the bathroom and in particular the shower. Both the steel elements such as the shower head and mixer as well as the tiles are affected by this type of dirt and, alas, sending it away is not always easy. Today we will deal specifically with shower tiles by seeing together natural remedies to say goodbye to mold!

Baking soda paste

Making a baking soda paste is the first very useful method you can choose to solve the mold problem. All you will need to do is mix just enough baking soda with plain water, swirl the mixture vigorously until it has the consistency of a gel. Put the mixture on a toothbrush and scrub over the tile joints, then with a sponge go over the entire surface and leave for a few minutes. Then rinse with plenty of water and dry promptly so as not to leave halos or water spots.

Bar soap

Bar soap is always a good idea when we talk about stubborn dirt! This ancient Grandma’s trick never wanes and is always the combination of excellent effectiveness and an intoxicating scent. To use it, all you have to do is grate about 3 tablespoons of the product and mix with water until you have a liquid mixture. Use a sponge and rub it on the tiles, particularly on the areas with mold, then leave it on for a few minutes. Afterwards, rinse and dry well, they will be as good as new!

Hydrogen peroxide

Although not used very often in household chores, hydrogen peroxide is a real asset, especially in the bathroom! In fact, when you find yourself with mold, lime scale or yellow streaks inside the toilet, it always manages to give a good result in a short time. You will simply have to mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda, obtaining a fairly thick mixture. Use the latter on the sponge to degrease the tiles and you will see that mold and stains will be only a distant memory!

Warning. Do not use the remedy on marble or natural stone, and you should also prefer 10-volume hydrogen peroxide.

Lemon juice

Now let’s move on to lemon juice, the world’s most famous citrus fruit that has so much versatility, which is why we consider it unique! To use it for the purpose of removing mold in bathroom tiles, you will simply have to take and strain the juice of 1 large lemon obtaining about half a glass. Use it on a soft sponge and go over all the tiles, dabbing especially on those that have mold, then let it work for a while. Rinse and you will see that the tiles will look great!

N.B. Again, you cannot use the remedy on marble or natural stone.

White Vinegar

White vinegar could not be missing from our roll call, an ingredient particularly loved and appreciated in the home! Moreover, precisely for the encrustations that you find yourself in the bathroom, vinegar gives the best of itself and manages to send away even the most stubborn dirt, including mold on tiles! All you need to do is use it directly on a dampened and wrung out microfiber cloth, wipe over the entire surface of the tiles, leave it like this for 5 minutes and goodbye to stains. Do not use vinegar on marble or natural stone, or you will damage the tiles.

Citric Acid

We conclude our tricks to say goodbye to mold from bathroom tiles with citric acid. The ingredient, extracted naturally from citrus fruits, is great for saying goodbye not only to limestone, but also to mold! You will need to dissolve 1/3 lb. of the product in 1 quart of water and stir to make a single solution. Also add the juice of 1 lemon if you want a good scent. Well, spray the mixture on a cloth and then wipe it over the tiles, blot and rub gently on the mold and there you go!

Warning. As with other ingredients we have seen, citric acid cannot go on marble or natural stone.

Try the remedies first in inconspicuous nooks and crannies so you don’t risk staining or damaging surfaces.