As we know, the use of ginger has become very popular in recent years. This plant, with its oriental origins, is now part of our daily routine and we never miss an opportunity to use it either in powder form or the fresh root, both in cooking recipes and in the preparation of infusions and herbal teas. But why do we like it so much? Its flavor, fresh but at the same time pungent, not only stimulates the palate but also leads to numerous benefits. In fact, it contains several substances with innumerable properties, and steam distillation yields an effective essential oil, useful on several occasions, which we will now analyze in detail.

Invigorating properties

Essential oils lend themselves to different uses, and ginger essential oil does not miss the mark. In fact, it has invigorating and balancing properties. If left to diffuse in home environments, it can be very useful for stimulating energy and regaining harmony, also acting positively on anxieties and worries.

As a pain reliever

Ginger is known precisely for being a powerful antibacterial and a natural anti-inflammatory. And its essential oil is no different! In fact, in cases of rheumatic pain, muscle stiffness due to strains or various traumas, if you mix a few drops of ginger essential oil together with a carrier oil (perhaps a vegetable oil) you can make an optimal massage. It also seems very useful in cases of back or neck pain, partly because ginger essential oil has warming properties.

Against flu symptoms

Precisely because of its antibacterial and antiviral virtues, ginger essential oil can also be used to counter common flu symptoms, such as coughs, colds, and fevers. Its effectiveness in fighting bacteria and viruses is thus highlighted. In order to benefit from it, always seek advice from your herbalist for the right dosage. If you do not prefer ginger essential oil, you can always buy the root and make a syrup or a tasty herbal tea!

For nausea

It can happen to feel nauseous on many occasions, even when we travel. Usually, we use to chew some ginger root, but we can also make use of its essential oil. For example, you can make a massage on the belly, always diluting essential oil with carrier oil (essential oils are very intense and can be aggressive). Or pour a few drops of ginger essential oil onto a handkerchief and inhale it to ease the discomfort of nausea. Always seek your doctor’s advice first! Ginger is very useful, but it has several contraindications!


We have mentioned the effectiveness of massages done with ginger essential oil. Ginger also has antioxidant properties and is considered by many to be a fat burner, so much so that it is most useful in cases of slow metabolism! Not a few people benefit from it to counteract the blemishes of cellulite and water retention. Of course, one must follow a healthy lifestyle associated with proper nutrition, but massage can help improve skin elasticity. In fact, in this case, the “anti-cellulite massage” can be done by combining ginger essential oil and sweet almond oil (also known to diminish stretch marks).


Ginger essential oil has no particular contraindications. However, it is very important to be aware of all the side effects of ginger. Talk to your doctor before deciding to benefit from it, especially if you are taking other medications, suffer from hypertension or gastric disorders. Avoid its use if you have allergies or hypersensitivity. Keep out of the reach of children. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Ask your herbalist about the dosage and proper use according to your needs.