Plants that live in the dark are ideal for apartments, since they do not necessarily need a lot of natural light.

For example, there are dimly lit apartments with very small interior spaces, where you can place plants that live in the dark without any problem.

Useful info about plants that live in the dark

Throughout the day these particular types of plants look almost dead, but in the evening, they shine like real stars at night.

It is also, an ideal solution for those who do not have a highly developed green thumb and for those who do not have much time to devote to plant care.

Plants that live in the dark, in fact, require very little water and need a universal potting soil, which is very easy to find.

Taking care of these plants is really very simple. They help us decorate the interiors of our homes to perfection by giving a cozier and more original look to the rooms.

Different types

Among the types of plants that live in the dark we find the Sansevieria, characterized by the absence of a stem, this is a plant that is usually planted inside cylindrical pots.

It is a very hardy plant that also helps to purify indoor air in a completely natural way.

This type does not make flowers, but still looks very beautiful and refined. This one enriches the decoration of the interior spaces of our home or office.

another similar type is Asplenium, which in nature is usually found under trees and does not like bright light.

This plant is best kept away from heat sources and strong drafts, and it is also essential to water it with demineralized water. Among the plants that live in the oxbows, we also cannot forget the Maranta from the Rain Forest.

This plant occasionally makes very small, almost invisible flowers, which are often worth pruning to make its leaves more prominent. It grows very fast and needs major pruning in the spring period.

Again, it needs to be watered with demineralized water and kept out of very bright light.

Finally, among the types of plants that live in the dark is the Zanzibar bud native to Tanzania. This is a very hardy plant that needs to be watered very little.

The plant’s tubers are located at the bottom, so great care must be taken when repotting.

During this stage, in fact, the tubers should be removed calmly and planted again in another pot with appropriate soil.