Lamb’s lettuce is a wonderful vegetable. Generally known as a winter vegetable, the cooler temperatures are much more suitable for growing lamb’s lettuce in the garden. Even if you haven’t had the experience before, you will enjoy lamb’s lettuce. We show you how to grow lamb’s lettuce with tips.

When should you sow lamb’s lettuce?

The earliest time to sow lamb’s lettuce is mid-July. Already pay attention to the selection of sowing date and harvest. The market offers early and late varieties, as well as lamb’s lettuce that grows all year round. When sowing from mid-July, you can harvest in September. So, the growing period until harvest lasts about six to eight weeks. This gives you the opportunity to sow lamb’s lettuce in succession. So, you can also harvest throughout the winter. Of course, regional aspects also play a role. In very cold regions where frost is to be expected, take the precaution of selecting varieties of lamb’s lettuce that are insensitive to frost.

What are the alternatives to sowing?

You don’t necessarily have to grow lamb’s lettuce in the garden. Plant pots or seed trays on the windowsill are just as suitable. A relatively thin layer of soil is sufficient for the small plants, so you don’t have to do without home-grown lettuce even in a city apartment.

Which location is suitable for lamb’s lettuce?

Lamb’s lettuce prefers a sunny location, especially in winter. This applies equally to the garden as well as to the balcony box or windowsill. Even better is the greenhouse. Here you have ideal conditions for growing lamb’s lettuce.

Sowing lamb’s lettuce

Small double rows at a distance of two to three inches are ideal. Leave a space of about 6 inches and draw seed grooves with a stalk. Place the seeds generously here and then cover the rows with soil and press down firmly. Then water and keep moist but not at all wet. In the plant pot, simply place the seeds generously on top of the soil and cover them as well. Again, watering and keeping moist is important. Most important are the first three weeks after sowing. During this time, the seeds must not dry out, otherwise they will not germinate.

Tips for growing lamb’s lettuce

  • Sow lamb’s lettuce at intervals of one week, then you can regularly harvest the right amount.
  • Choose varieties that are insensitive to frost for the winter months.
  • Cut off the young leaves instead of ripping them out. This way you won’t injure the young shoots.
  • In summer, moisten the soil before sowing. Then the seed germinates better.

How to care for lamb’s lettuce?

If you have sown the lamb’s lettuce too densely, you should transplant the young plants in time. Always make sure that the distance between 3 and 4 inches. Yellowing of the lower leaves is a sign that the planting distance is too close. This makes cleanup difficult. Weeds are equally troublesome when cleaning. Therefore, keep the small bed for lamb’s lettuce free of weeds. This makes it easier to wash the rosettes in the kitchen.