How to grow orchids in pots filled with water, so they last and bloom longer…

Orchids are among the world’s most fascinating and admired plants, prized for their beauty and variety.

Growing orchids is traditionally associated with the use of soil and precise watering practices, but another approach has recently developed: growing them in pots of water.

This innovative method offers significant advantages, such as a reduced need for regular watering and less worry about soil-related problems. In this article, we’ll look at how to grow orchids in water pots to achieve lush, healthy, flourishing plants.

Why grow orchids in water?

  • Less watering: one of the main challenges of growing orchids is metering the water. Orchids in water pots draw moisture directly from the water solution, reducing the need for frequent watering.
  • Humidity control: water pots create a moist environment around orchid roots, which is particularly favorable for many species. This environment can contribute to growth and flowering.
  • Reduced risk of disease: the absence of potting soil can reduce the risk of developing soil-borne diseases. Orchid roots will be less susceptible to rot and fungal infection.

How to grow orchids in water-filled pots:

  • Choose the species: Not all orchid species are suitable for growing in water-filled pots. Epiphytic orchids such as Phalaenopsis, Vanda and Dendrobium are often the best candidates for this method.
  • Prepare the pot: choose a transparent or semi-transparent pot so you can easily check the water level and the condition of the roots. Fill the pot with demineralized water or rainwater.
  • Place the roots: Carefully place the orchid roots in the pot of water so that they are completely submerged. Make sure the roots are in contact with the water but not drowned.
  • Provide sufficient light: Place the pot in an area where the orchids receive sufficient indirect light. Light is essential for photosynthesis and overall plant health.
  • Monitor water levels: check the water level in the pot regularly and add fresh water if necessary to maintain a constant level.
  • Fertilize: feed orchids by adding a water-soluble fertilizer every 2-4 weeks. Follow package instructions to avoid excessive salt concentration.
  • Periodic replanting: From time to time, it may be necessary to replant the orchid in a new water pot with fresh, clean water. This prevents the build-up of minerals and undesirable substances.

Growing orchids in water pots is an innovative and interesting approach for gardening enthusiasts. However, it’s important to note that this method requires care and attention. Not all orchids are well suited to this type of cultivation, so it’s essential to thoroughly research the species concerned before adopting this approach.

Although growing in water pots offers significant advantages, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the plants and make any necessary changes to ensure that the orchids remain healthy and viable in their new environment.