Whether flying or crawling, ants all swarm through our home or garden in search of a survival nest. But they’re not always welcome! And no matter how hard you try to drive them away with chemical insecticides, you often end up raising the white flag, right? What if you tried natural repellents now that will help you get rid of them effortlessly and without discomfort? Do you want to know how to get rid of those flying ants before they form a new colony in your home? This article is for you!

Why is my house full of flying ants?

Garden, patio and room – flying ants do not exclude any place in your house when they decide to take possession of the property! The peak of this invasion often occurs during stormy and rainy summer weather, when these insects want to build a new empire after their colony is already overpopulated. Wait, guess where the best place for them to lay a bunch of eggs is? At home, of course! Don’t panic, they will eventually leave it once their incubation period is over. Don’t stay idle until then, here’s how to prepare natural repellents to fight them off!

Natural anti-ants: What means does grandmother have to kill winged ants?

Whether male or female, these insects gather in an anthill around your houseplants or even around food, especially bread crumbs or sugar cubes, and the list goes on … Yes, they fill themselves with food to give birth to the future queen who will oversee the new colony , it’s a family affair! You yourself will get your hands dirty and decide which granny trick you choose against these winged ants. In addition, you have plenty of choices.

  1. Use the power of garlic

Have you discovered a row of flying ants in the house? Calm down, garlic comes to the rescue! To do this:

  • Macerate a few cloves of garlic with the chili in boiling water;
  • The mixture is left to rest for a few hours before taking out the garlic cloves.
  • It is poured into a spray bottle;
  • We spray the interior frames, the cracks in the facades, the edges of the windows and especially the indoor plants, if any.

This natural compound has an excellent repellent effect thanks to its strong odor, which flying ants cannot stand.

  1. How to fight the invasion of flying ants with white vinegar?

White vinegar is your best friend when classic or flying ants make your home uncomfortable! No hardware store bought product or pesticide can match this strong smelling, acidic solution, so you can rely on this ingredient to eradicate flying ants by suffocating them. Moreover, the trick is very simple and consists only of:

  • Fill a spray bottle with a jar of pure white vinegar.
  • Spray all the suspicious areas such as entrance doors and window frames;

Repeat this as many times as necessary so that the flying ants can detect the smell and leave the place immediately!

  1. Peppermint: a natural repellent to hunt flying ants nests

Peppermint is effective and economical and a natural repellent against flying ants that you can make yourself. Nothing could be easier than mixing it with the following ingredients:

  • a glass of boiling water;
  • one cup of white vinegar;
  • one teaspoon of baking soda
  • a few drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • a few sprigs of peppermint, which you can easily replace with the essential oil.

Now all you have to do is let these ingredients steep and cool before pouring the mixture into a spray bottle and attacking all sorts of corners. Cherry on top of the cake? It leaves a very subtle, clean smell in your home. Who says it better?

  1. How to catch flying ants with diatomaceous earth trick?

It has proven effective on crawling ants and now it is the turn of the winged ants. There is no miracle secret behind the effectiveness of diatomaceous earth, it only helps to slowly but surely dehydrate these insects. Just sprinkle it on the suspected spots and you’re done! Note: Keep the powder out of reach of children and pets, as well as food.

  1. Cinnamon essential oil, a hit!

It smells good to us, but the flying ants hate it more than anything! We then take the opportunity to intelligently remove them as follows:

  • A few drops of cinnamon essential oil are poured into an electric diffuser or the mixture is brought to a boil in a pot if needed;
  • We move the device or pot in all rooms of the house so that the steam spreads everywhere;

This process is repeated every day, both to perfume the air and to keep away flying ants. We cannot hope for a better result!

  1. Spices: Enough to deter flying ants!

A powdery texture and a strong smell, two properties that know spices and deter flying ants in no time:

  • Pour a small number of spices into a small plastic pot;
  • Place the pot in the corners and windowsills, taking care that certain spices such as turmeric do not stain the laundry in the house.
  1. Talc: a barrier that flying ants dare not overcome

That white powder that flying ants dare not cross: talc! We make good use of this advantage by sprinkling some baby powder on the ant nests you have identified. Thanks to this white powder, they will take a step back and leave you alone.

  1. How to find a nest of winged ants with tape?

It is probably the most economical trick you have ever tried: Trapping flying ants with a tape … It’s clever! Nothing ingenious, we put a piece of tape near the food and wait to see these trapped insects as soon as their fragile skeletons touch the adhesive of the tape. It is immediately up to you to decide whether you want to eliminate them or simply drive them away.

  1. Dishwashing liquid: an effective product for the elimination of flying ants

Soapy water against flying ants? It’s very simple, easy:

  • Mix half a cup of dishwashing liquid into a spray bottle filled with water.
  • Shake the bottle well to create foam.
  • Spray all the dreaded corners at will. Those pesky species are now history!
  1. Liquid soap: enough to stop the invasion of these pesky species!

Liquid soap not only guarantees thorough hygiene, but also drives away the winged ants that bother you. Nothing could be simpler than:

  • Pour half a cup of liquid soap in half a quart of water. If you only have solid soap, you can grate it and dilute the shavings in boiling water in a pot over low heat;
  • Spray as needed on all surfaces frequented by these insects. The job is done!
  1. Borax powder: an attractive and effective bait

Therefore, when these insects are looking for extra sweet food, we use them as bait! To do this, we use borax powder, the key to this trick. Let’s move on to the method:

  • Mix 3 tablespoons of borax, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of water until you have a paste;
  • Spread the paste on all areas frequented by flying ants (keep it away from children and pets).

We change the bait from time to time as long as the ants return it to their nest to eat it along with their queen. In this way, the entire colony is eradicated with little effort!

  1. Lemon juice: a natural anti-flight ant

A lemony, sour and fragrant water, do you like it? Well, flying ants cannot stand it.

  • In a spray, mix one part lemon juice with two parts water;
  • Keep the spray nearby to spray flying ants that invade your home. Plus, the lemon scent provides an incredible freshness and pep kick!
  1. Baking soda: What flying ants are afraid of!

It’s not just dirt and mold that baking soda fears, but also insects like flying ants! Still in the usual spray:

  • We pour 2 tablespoons of baking soda and half a quart of warm water;
  • We spray the curtains, the furniture, the sofas, the kitchen countertop, the sink, the trash can … in short, all these areas will appreciate the action of this magic powder. Yes, you understood correctly, we take the opportunity to disinfect the house and eliminate flying ants at the same time. Efficiency guaranteed!

Natural tricks are your best allies when unpleasant insects invade your private space. Moreover, now you will not run out of choices.