Peace lily is a very common plant and really loved by everyone. But like any plant, it needs care. To make it grow in a healthy way, you need to put into practice a simple trick that few know. With this completely natural method, peace lily becomes full of green leaves: let’s find out how, you will be delighted with the result.

Peace lily, also called Spathiphyllum, is an extremely elegant and refined plant that is often placed in stores, offices or homes. Its leaves are very green and very shiny. The flowers, on the other hand, are creamy white. It is perfect to give brightness, in fact, when it is in a room, it also gives a lot of serenity. But to keep it always in perfect health, you need to take some precautions. Not everyone knows that it is necessary to put into practice a simple trick, which gives shine and brilliance to both the leaves and the flowers. You will no longer be able to do without it: Let’s find out how to do it.

Lily of peace, all the precautions for it to grow healthy and lush

Like any soil of the plant, that of peace lily must always have moist soil, so that the roots do not rot, but must always be well nourished. It is also important to choose a well-drained soil, such as clay or perlite. As for the pot, use a pot that is not too large. In addition, the nutrient supply is also important, precisely for this reason must be watered very often or at least when the soil is dry.

A peace lily does not need many treatments, but sometimes water is not enough for it to thrive. Precisely for this reason it is necessary to apply a little trick that will give it brilliance and shine. You will be amazed once you see the result, you will not be able to do without it: Let’s find out how to do it.

Peace Lily healthy and shiny only with this liquid

To take care of our lily, we need to make a homemade compound. The procedure is really simple and fast. You need to pour a quart of water, one cup of coffee without sugar and a spoon of ground cinnamon in a container. Stir the solution and let it sit for at least 3 hours.

Then strain the liquid and put it in another container. Finally, use it to pour your peace lily with this compound. In a few days, you will see the plant improving every day. The leaves and flowers will return shiny and bright with vibrant colors.

For a stronger effect, use a vaporizer and repeat the process several times. Spray the liquid between the leaves and the stem of the peace lily. The result will leave you speechless.