A clean and well-maintained home with a spotless floor is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also crucial for your health. Not only can dust and dirt accumulate on the floor, but so can crumbs, bacteria and germs that promote the growth of pathogens. To minimize this risk, it is essential to mop the floor regularly.

Families with young children should pay particular attention to this, as they often play on the floor and can come into increased contact with germs. During allergy season, thorough floor care and cleaning is especially important. At this time, there is an increased amount of pollen and allergens in the air that can settle on the floor and cause increased allergic reactions in allergy sufferers. Thorough floor cleaning during allergy season can reduce the number of allergens in your home, which can improve the well-being of allergy sufferers

The best gadgets for vacuuming and mopping

Robot vacuum cleaners: So, cleaning doesn’t bug you anymore

Buying a vacuum robot can bring you a lot of benefits. First, you’ll save valuable time: with automatic programming and self-sufficient operation, the robot will take over the tedious task of vacuuming and give you more freedom for other activities. Second, robot vacuums are remarkably efficient and, thanks to their sleek design and smart navigation systems, can reach hard-to-reach areas, like under furniture and beds – places that are often neglected. Third, many models offer additional features, like HEPA filters to improve air quality or even mopping functions to keep your living space even cleaner. Invest in a robot vacuum and enjoy a clean, stress-free living environment.

These particles can be dangerous for allergy sufferers: Inside when cleaning

To reduce exposure to the following allergy-causing substances, it’s important to clean your home’s floors regularly and thoroughly during allergy season. At the same time, allergy sufferers should ensure good indoor air quality, install pollen screens on windows and use an air purifier if necessary. During allergy season in March, April and June, certain dirt particles and substances in the home on the floor are particularly dangerous to allergy sufferers. These include:

  • Pollen: During allergy season, there is an increased concentration of pollen in the air that comes from trees, grasses and flowers. Pollen can enter the home through open windows, on clothing or pets and settle on the floor. They are the main cause of hay fever and other allergic reactions.
  • House dust mites: House dust mites are tiny arachnids that feed primarily on dead skin scales. Their droppings and dead bodies can cause allergic reactions. Increased humidity during allergy season can promote the growth of dust mites.
  • Pet hair and dander: Pets such as dogs and cats shed hair and dander, which can contain allergens. These can accumulate on the floor and affect allergy sufferers.
  • Mold spores: In humid months like March and April, mold can grow in the home and its spores can trigger allergies. Mold spores can land on the floor and enter your respiratory system.

11 Home remedies you can use to clean your entire apartment

How often should you clean your apartment?

  • Daily: to improve the air quality of the apartment, open all windows for at least five minutes in the morning and evening, even in winter. If you are at home, you should also let fresh air in during the day. Although it may not be appreciated by your neighbors, it is advisable to leave street shoes outside your front door to avoid a large amount of bacteria in your home.
  • Weekly: Clean all living areas once a week, including dusting, vacuuming carpets and damp mopping smooth floors. After cleaning, you should rinse the cleaning cloths very hot and let them dry well. Occasionally, they should be put in the washing machine at 140 degrees.
  • Twice a month: To improve hygiene, you should change your bed linen every 14 days. You should do it even more often if you are sick or sweat a lot.
  • Every three months: Pillows with synthetic fiber filling should be washed every three months or replaced after one year.
  • Once a year: It’s a good idea to use spring cleaning to put curtains and decorative pillows in the washing machine, preferably after pollen season.
  • Every ten years: A new mattress is due every eight to ten years, as it has absorbed billions of skin flakes and soaked up and exhaled well over a thousand quarts of sweat.

What happens if you don’t mop the floor?

In addition to the risk of disease and infection, there are other health drawbacks to not mopping the floor regularly. For example, dust on the floor can cause respiratory problems and skin rashes for people with allergies and asthma. Mold spores can also settle on the floor and cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Sustainable all-purpose cleaners, recyclable and good for the environment:

  • Cleaning utensils: these are the things you need to mop the floor.
  • You don’t need much to effectively clean the floor. A good broom or vacuum will remove coarse dirt and dust, while a mop or mopping system with a microfiber cloth will remove stubborn dirt and germs. A bucket of warm water and a mild detergent is enough to make the floor hygienically clean.

Insider tips for effective mopping:

  • Use a steam cleaner to clean the floor thoroughly and hygienically.
  • Always mop the floor in an “S” shaped motion to ensure even cleaning.
  • Use a cleaning solution with vinegar and water to remove stubborn stains and dirt.

How often should I mop the floor?

Depending on the household and frequency of use, the floor should be mopped once a week or more. In households with children or pets, more frequent cleaning is recommended to effectively remove germs and bacteria. Regular cleaning is also important in households with allergy-prone individuals to remove dust and mold spores. As a general rule, you should mop the floor as often as necessary to have a hygienically clean home.