With this simple remedy, which can also be prepared at home, the flower will immediately come back to life: to see is to believe.

The return of the summer months allows nature to reclaim every corner, adding color, beauty and brightness to all environments. Many choose to enrich the spaces of their home with magnificent plants, which can also be easily found on windowsills, balconies and in the garden. Among the most popular plants are undoubtedly orchids, which always produce wonderful flowers with a fresh and intense fragrance. Even though orchids are considered more outdoor plants, recently they are more and more often chosen for indoor decoration precisely because of their extraordinary elegance.

Orchids come back to life with this very effective method: Here’s how

Like all other plants, orchids require very careful care and maintenance to develop their full potential. We must therefore be very careful to always provide the orchid with proper nutrition, to eliminate the risk of disease. To revive orchids, many rely on some products that can be easily found on the market. The advice is not to opt for these solutions, but instead rely on some natural remedies that can be made very quickly at home. Not everyone knows that some foods that we keep very often in our kitchen are perfect for bringing orchids back to life. For example, peas are an excellent element to serve this purpose because of their countless beneficial properties. In fact, peas are rich in vitamins (including B1, B3 and B5) and also provide magnesium and phosphorus, as well as a good amount of mineral salts.

All you have to do is take ¼ lb. of peas and put them in a jug, where we then add a quart of warm water. We cover the jug with a lid and leave it in the dark for about 12 hours. After this time, we can take the jug and put all the contents in a blender. Let’s mix the solution until we get a liquid that is very useful to return vitality to our orchids. The next step is to filter the mixture, of course with a sieve. Thus, we obtain a liquid substance that we must then transfer to a larger container. In this container we must actually put three quarts of water at room temperature to obtain the required solution.

The beneficial properties of peas

At this point, we can proceed with the watering. Let’s pour the freshly prepared solution on the growth substrate of the orchid, to ensure that our green friend receives the maximum possible nutrition. In fact, peas are an excellent organic fertilizer that increases the resistance of these plants and protects them from pests and diseases. And your flower will come back to life. Alternatively, we can put some of the remaining liquid in a spray bottle to spray the remedy on the soil and the surface of the orchid growing medium. It is important never to spray the solution on the flowers of this magnificent plant, because the strength of the peas could destroy them.