Your favorite old leather shoes are in desperate need of care, but the right remedy is missing? We have the ultimate tip for you!

Spring with the first warm and bright rays of sunshine inspires most of us to do a thorough spring cleaning. Because as wonderful as it is that the days are getting longer, and everything is shining in a new light – it unfortunately also mercilessly reveals every uncleaned and dust-mouse-infested corner in your own home.

Care trick for leather products: Simple household remedy works

And not only that: the winter has certainly left clear traces on your footwear or your favorite leather bag. As robust and weather-resistant as leather may be – with intensive use, your favorite parts definitely deserve a round of distinctive care as well. But you don’t have a suitable care product at hand? No problem! Because you can probably find a simple remedy for this very purpose already in your bathroom. We’ll tell you what you can use to quickly make your leather favorites shiny and beautiful again!

Care hack with conditioner: Conditioner makes leather shiny again

Usually you get the best ideas when the stores are already closed or you don’t want to swap your cozy sweatpants for jeans for a shopping trip again. If you feel the same way next time, then remember our simple care tip for leather. You don’t have any waterproofing spray handy and you can’t find the polish cream either? No problem!

Shoe care with conditioner: Save money at the same time

Stop by your bathroom and pick up the conditioner. That’s right – conditioner for hair also makes an excellent care product for your favorite leather pieces. Whether it’s the much-worn leather shoes or the beautiful leather bag inherited from grandpa, these leather products definitely appreciate a little extra care for a long life. And with your choice of conditioner, you’ll even save money over expensive leather care products!