Mold is a common problem in the home. It develops in wet areas of the kitchen and bathroom such as tile grout lines. These health-threatening blackish marks need to be eliminated at the first sign. Discover a simple and natural trick to get rid of it. Bathroom tile grout lines are particularly susceptible to mold. The latter also accumulates on the walls and around the toilets. Therefore, cleaning this essential part is essential to ensure a healthy and clean-living environment. There are many methods for this, but one of them proves to be particularly effective in case of a major mold infestation.

How do I remove mold from tile grout?

The mold marks around the tiles are not aesthetic. To thoroughly eliminate them, it is possible to opt for a natural pharmaceutical solution.

  • Hydrogen peroxide, a radical solution for mold on tile grout lines

When impregnating tile grout with mold, hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide can be effective and easy to use. In fact, its antifungal and antibacterial properties provide a radical solution to stubborn stains on joints. Simply apply generously with a sprayer. Therefore, let the product act on the areas affected by mold. After about twenty minutes, rub the joints with a sponge or an old toothbrush and wait for an hour. Once the hydrogen peroxide smell is gone, wipe the critical surface with a clean, dry cloth. It should be noted that hydrogen peroxide can lose its effectiveness with light. It should then be stored in dark bottles or dark places for future use.

More tips for cleaning tile grout naturally

Hydrogen peroxide is not the only solution for dirty tile grout. Other natural remedies can be used to remove stains from grout and tiled walls in the bathroom. For guaranteed effectiveness, this room should be cleaned regularly and aired regularly.

  • Borax, the anti-mold solution for clean and healthy tile grout

One of the effective remedies against mold is borax. Like hydrogen peroxide, this solution is able to remove mold on the joints and make them white and shiny. Mix one cup of borax powder with 3.5 quarts of water. Rub a brush soaked in this solution over the entire surface of the black seals. When you finish, wipe with a clean, damp cloth. The alkaline pH of this product suppresses mold and prevents mildew from forming on joints. Borax can also irritate the skin, so gloves should be worn before each use.

  • Baking soda and elbow grease, a powerful duo against mold on tile grout lines

Borax can be replaced with baking soda. This white powder works in the same way against mold on grout lines. To do this, simply add a teaspoon of baking soda to a spray bottle (2 cups) filled with warm water. Then spray the solution on the tile grout and leave it for up to an hour. This will embed the stain remover into the grout lines to eliminate mold and dirt in depth. Another trick is to use baking soda paste. To do this, simply mix baking soda with a little water to make a thick paste. After you have applied it to the joints with a brush. Rub the area with a sponge and then rinse it off!

  • White vinegar, a remedy for mold on tile grout lines

Finally, vinegar can also be a great solution to mold on tile . It can help you keep your tiles in pristine condition after each cleaning.  It is also very effective on small incipient mold stains. Simply pour the solution into a spray bottle and then spray the affected area. Leave on for a few minutes, then use a soft brush or sponge to rub the grout before rinsing. You can also use tea tree oil in the same way as vinegar. Thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it guarantees you the same results.