Defrost freezer: Do not turn off the device and use a very simple method. Of course, a good refrigerator, which includes an excellent freezer, cannot be missing at home. The freezer is essential to keep any type of food cool for a long time. However, the everyday fear is to open the freezer and find it full of ice. To avoid the formation of ice in the freezer, always keep it clean and in good condition. On the other hand, if it is too late, it is essential to get rid of the ice as easily as possible and quite quickly.

Defrosting the freezer: read on to learn the trick

Often some people, decidedly reckless, decide to use the hair dryer to defrost their freezer quickly. Of course, it is better to avoid this “method” because of the risk that the ice, once melted, can electrocute the hair dryer. Fortunately, on this page you can discover an alternative method that is decidedly functional and much less dangerous. To defrost the freezer, you must first pour water into a pot and place everything on a burning stove. When the water reaches the boiling point, simply place the pot in the freezer. Of course, you need to get your food out before putting the pot in so that the stuff can stay frozen. Then close the freezer and let the boiling water steep for about 20 minutes.

However, if you are short on time, you can also put towels soaked in hot water in the freezer and then place them directly on the ice. In this way, the freezer will appear perfectly thawed after a few minutes. All that remains is to try this method, which is accessible to everyone, and be delighted by its ease, speed and final result. Removing the ice from the freezer will truly be a breeze at this point. Good job to all.