From personal hygiene to cleaning fruits and vegetables, cleaning laundry, cleaning toilets to absorbing bad odors, baking soda is a natural ally with multiple virtues. It is so powerful and versatile that everyone should have it stocked at home. Learn how this white powder is especially good for you in the refrigerator.

Very often you probably find that your refrigerator emits unpleasant odors that penetrate the food and change its taste. Rest assured, the solution is within your reach: you can easily and effectively eliminate this problem with baking soda. As a bonus, this natural ingredient is known for its antiseptic properties, but also for being an exceptional natural air freshener.

Baking soda, an excellent deodorant

We are often faced with the problem of unpleasant odors in the refrigerator, and commercial detergents do not always provide the expected results. Now you can rely on the strong deodorizing power of baking soda. Discover this practical tip, very popular with our grandmothers: just put a little of this white powder in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. This home remedy will help you get rid of unwanted odors faster.

However, you need to be very careful every day: When your refrigerator is almost full, the smells can mix with each other, spoiling the food and changing its taste. This problem occurs regularly in hot weather, when the refrigerator is overloaded with food. To remedy this, it’s best to dissolve a few tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of water and then place it on a shelf at the very bottom of the unit – you’ll notice that the offending odors quickly disappear.

Also, make sure not to leave spoiled food in the fridge as it will inevitably smell bad. Realize that the way you store food in the fridge is also very important. For example, cheese and cold cuts should always be covered and wrapped so that they do not spread unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

And then, how to perfume the refrigerator?

A very simple solution: leave half a lemon in the refrigerator. Its citrus scent perfumes the refrigerator and leaves a nice scent. To be renewed as needed.

More ingenious tricks with baking soda

For those who don’t know, baking soda has more than one trick up its sleeve. It has many cleaning, stain-removing, whitening and disinfecting properties. Not only does it neutralize unpleasant odors, but it also removes lime and scale deposits, eliminates mildew stains and even repels insects.

Here are some unexpected uses for this natural and economical product:

Baking soda also helps whiten your teeth. All you need is a teaspoon of this powder diluted in water. Once the paste becomes thick, apply it directly to your teeth with a brush or even your fingers. After a few applications, your teeth will be surprisingly white!

Baking soda can also clean cutlery. It is an inexpensive and very effective way to restore shine to your cutlery or old jewelry. To do this, simply mix some baking soda with lukewarm water in a basin. Drop your flatware into the mixture. After a few minutes, a chemical reaction will cause your pieces to be reborn from their ashes and shine.

Baking soda is also used to remove stains from clothes and eliminate the musty smell caused by moisture. This trick is proven by the most experienced people in this field. Since baking soda is alkaline, it helps to quickly remove even stubborn stains from clothes. To get rid of bad odors, add 1/2 cup of the product to the rinse cycle. And voila!