One clumsy movement with the saltshaker and it’s done: The soup is oversalted. But there’s no need to panic. The mishap can still be corrected.

Anyone who does a lot of cooking knows the dilemma: A small moment of distraction and the lovingly prepared soup turns into a salty broth. What now? Before the thought arises to throw everything away and start all over again, you should think about how to save the salty soup.

Salted soup: here’s how you can neutralize the salt

There are several tips and tricks that can be used to balance the salt in the soup. They work differently depending on the type of soup:

  • Dilute

One of the most straightforward strategies is diluting. Adding more liquid, whether it’s water, broth or another appropriate liquid, can reduce the salt content.

But beware: this will mellow the flavor of the soup, so it is advisable to readjust the other seasonings as well, if necessary. If the soup can stand a little more substance, it is a good idea to add other main ingredients. These can be additional vegetables, meat or grains, depending on the type of soup.

A tried-and-true housewife trick is to use a raw potato. Just add it to the soup and let it simmer. The potato will absorb some of the salt. After about ten to 15 minutes, it should be removed from the soup.

  • Dairy products

Dairy products can also help. A small dollop of cream or a spoonful of yogurt softens the intense salty taste.

  • Acidity

Add a little acidity to the soup, such as a squeeze of lemon juice or a drop of vinegar, which not only balances the salt but also contributes a pleasant flavor note.

  • Sugar

In some cases, a little sugar can also neutralize the salty taste, but do so sparingly so as not to inadvertently make the soup taste sweet.

Finally, the most important tip: Always taste when cooking. That way, you’ll always be aware of the salt content and avoid over-seasoning. And if it still happens that the soup becomes too salty, just remember the tips provided above.