Dust quickly accumulates everywhere in the apartment. If you don’t want to be constantly dusting, you can keep the lint at bay with simple tricks. Just cleaned a few hours ago and already a layer of dust has formed again on the surfaces just wiped. But there are simple tricks that save you having to reach for a feather duster.

Where does dust come from? How dust forms in the home

Dust is organic and inorganic fine particles that are dispersed in the air. They are created by whirling up, abrasion and erosion of solids, for example, when materials are cut up. On the one hand, dust can form within one’s own four walls. For example, through clothing from which fibers come loose. People also contribute to this because they continuously shed skin flakes and hair. A high level of contamination is also caused by house dust mites, which decompose into dust themselves when they die.

How dust from outside gets into the home

However, about 60 percent of the dust in an apartment comes from outside. Exhaust fumes, sand or pollen can get in through ventilation. To avoid unnecessarily high exposure to the outside world, windows should not be left tilted all day. This is because dust particles continuously get inside.

Instead, windows should be ventilated at regular intervals. This not only helps against dust, but also prevents mold growth. In order to get dust in the apartment under control, it is also important to have the right humidity in the room.

Correct humidity in the room: dry air makes for more dust

The ideal humidity level is between 40 and 60 percent. If the humidity is too low, dust is sure to settle more easily on surfaces. If you want to prevent this, you should therefore ensure that the humidity in the apartment rises. This can be done very easily by placing a bowl of water on top of the heater.

The heat causes the liquid to evaporate and be absorbed into the air. The clammy air then binds the dust particles. Higher room humidity can also be achieved with a humidifier. There are even devices with built-in filters that additionally filter dust from the air.

Clean less frequently: Houseplants function as dust collectors

It works more cost-effectively with houseplants. They contribute to a more humid indoor climate. At the same time, they filter dust particles from the air. The larger the plant’s leaves and the more of them it has, the more dust it can bind. This works even better if the leaf surface is rough. Particularly good dust traps are therefore, for example, ivies, window leaves or ferns.

On the other hand, it is not good if the humidity is too high. This causes the dust particles to stick together. Accordingly, they are more difficult to wipe off. In addition, there is then a risk that mold will develop. That is why it is important to maintain the limit of 60 percent.

Tips for dusting: The right agent keeps surfaces dust-free for longer

There are also a few things to keep in mind when cleaning yourself: In general, it’s best to always wipe dust with a damp cloth. This binds the particles and prevents them from spreading. When doing so, work from top to bottom so that the fluff does not simply spread. Surfaces remain dust-free for longer with anti-dust spray.

This has an antistatic effect and ensures that surfaces become electrostatically charged less quickly. As a result, dust particles are not attracted as quickly. Such a spray can be bought in stores, but can also be quickly made yourself using home remedies.

To do this, mix 1 pint of distilled water with eight tablespoons of table cider vinegar, one teaspoon of olive oil and half a teaspoon of organic dishwashing liquid or liquid vegetable oil soap. Optionally, a few drops of essential oil can be added.