Every year, summer temperatures make for foul-smelling garbage cans. Why? The high temperatures cause food scraps in the garbage cans to rot much faster, releasing hydrogen sulfide and butyric acid. If, to make matters worse, maggots also accumulate in the stinky garbage can, the chaos is perfect.

  1. Clean the garbage can

If you clean the garbage can regularly and remove any waste residues left behind, you will counteract the development of foul odors. For quick cleaning of an empty garbage can, it is recommended to use a high-pressure cleaner. If you do not have such a device, a hard water jet from a garden hose is usually sufficient. Clean the inside walls from above and then dump the water into a drain. Afterwards, lay the trash can on its side and hose down its bottom. To dry it, lean it against the wall of the house. For a thorough cleaning, use a stiff brush and an environmentally friendly cleaning agent. Scrub the inside of the trash can and rinse it with clean water.

  1. Location of the garbage can

The influence of the location on the development of the stench of the garbage can is often underestimated. When the dark plastic garbage can heat up in the sun, it promotes the decomposition processes inside it and even fouler smells develop. So, choose a location for the trash can that is as shady and cool as possible, and well ventilated. Choose the right location for your garbage cans in summer to avoid maggots.

  1. Tips against bad odors in summer

Vinegar essence: This is an effective home remedy that neutralizes unpleasant odors. Mix vinegar essence with water in a spray bottle in a ratio of 1:10. Spray the inside and rim of the trash can with the mixture to kill any remaining bacteria.

Citric acid: Use this home remedy just like the vinegar. However, citric acid has the advantage of smelling less penetrating.

Lime (calcium carbonate): Conventional garden lime has also proven effective in combating unpleasant odors. For your own protection, put on gloves and simply sprinkle the inside of the trash can with the powder.

Newspaper: This material absorbs the moisture of the organic waste and thus counteracts the development of unpleasant odors. If you line the trash can with newspaper, it will stay cleaner and be easier to clean. Wrap garbage in newspaper.

  1. Avoid and prevent maggots

Garbage cans are the optimal place for flies to lay their eggs. Inside, they find a warm, moist and protected place where there is plenty of food. Shortly after the flies have spread in the garbage can, the first maggots develop. Anyone who has ever been affected knows how disgusting this is. Here’s how you can prevent an infestation:

Take out trash: Make sure garbage bags are always sealed airtight when you dispose of them in the garbage can. Also, don’t throw food scraps in loosely, but at least wrap them in newspaper. In the summer, place the garbage can by the street for emptying even if it is only half full.

Set up fly traps: Place a fly trap nearby to distract insects from the smell of the trash can.

Put special rubber seal on the lid: By sealing the trash can, such a seal will prevent flies from invading your trash can. Special maggot lids are also available at specialty stores to prevent insects from being attracted by the smell.

  1. Home remedies against maggots

If your garbage can is already infested with maggots, you can fight them with the following three remedies. Nevertheless, try to implement points 1-4 in the near future so that this problem does not occur in the first place.

Vinegar: The vinegar water used to clean the trash can will also help if it is infested with maggots. Spray the maggots, the lid, the edges and the inner walls of the garbage can with the mixture. To increase the effect, you can sprinkle a little salt on top. After a few minutes, remove the dead larvae.

Pepper: Bring a quart of water to a boil and add a tablespoon of pepper. The maggots do not like it at all. Fill the cooled mixture into a spray bottle and spray the affected areas with it. The pepper water not only fights the maggots, but it also has a disinfecting effect.

Quicklime (calcium oxide): The so-called quicklime is probably the most effective means against maggots. In combination with water, however, it has a highly corrosive effect, which is why special care is required. Therefore, wear protective clothing when using it and only use it outdoors. Apply a small amount of the product to the affected area and you will see that the maggots dry up. Alternatively, you can use normal lime, salt or cat litter.

  1. Do not use chemicals

Although chemicals kill all insects, you should avoid using them. Not only do their ingredients endanger the health of humans and pets, but they also accumulate in the soil and decompose there only very slowly. Moreover, the insects become resistant over time and the agents lose their effectiveness.

Cleaning a stinky and maggot-infested garbage can is certainly not one of your favorite household chores – but it still needs to be done. These tricks will at least make it a little more bearable for you. Good luck!