Mold in the home is quite a cat to be reeled in as it is not only bad for your health but also comes in the form of black spots that are not at all pretty to look at. Usually, however, it tends to settle in the most hidden and tight places, such as the corners of our house, making, thus, its removal difficult as well. In this regard, today we will see together the corners of the house that tend to form mold and home tricks to remove it quickly and easily!


First of all, the corners of the house most affected by the presence of mold include the walls, which tend to absorb a lot of moisture, especially during the winter period. Fortunately, however, it is possible to remove it by resorting to an ingredient that you surely have in your pantry: white vinegar, considered a godsend for saying goodbye to mold from the corners of walls! All you have to do, then, is fill a spray container with equal parts water and vinegar and spray, then, the mixture on the wall (make sure first that you can do it without damaging it), or on a microfiber cloth. After that, blot with a cloth without rubbing and finally let it dry thoroughly! Vinegar also seems to be effective for washing the walls of your home!


The corners of windows are also prone to the formation of these blackish wet stains that go on to give our home a less than beautiful appearance. To remove them, therefore, we suggest you try a very effective remedy: DIY anti-mold spray. Prepare a solution with:

  • 3 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of 10-volume hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 tablespoons of fine salt
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Begin, then, by dissolving the salt and bicarbonate in the water. After that, add the hydrogen peroxide. At this point, decant everything into a spray bottle, shake well and spray the resulting mixture on the corners of your windows. Finally, leave on, wipe with a sponge and rinse! In case the mold is hidden so much in the corners that it won’t come off, you can use a scrubbing brush. Finally rinse and mold will be just a bad memory!

Warning. Remember to wear latex gloves in contact with hydrogen peroxide.


How many times have you noticed those black stains in the corners of your shower and immediately felt a feeling of disgust? I imagine often! Unfortunately, however, this environment easily tends to get dirty and full of mold due to the high concentration of moisture. But from today this will no longer happen thanks to the wadding trick! Therefore, equip yourself with:

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 tablespoon of fine salt
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • absorbent cotton.

Start by dissolving the baking soda and salt in the water in a small saucepan and bring it to a boil, then add the hydrogen peroxide as well, turn off the heat and wait for the mixture to become lukewarm so as not to scald yourself. At this point, completely soak absorbent cotton balls or cotton discs in the solution and, without wringing them out, place them along the area where there is mold as if to form a kind of barrier. Leave it for about an hour, after which you move the wads and rinse: the black stain from the corners of your shower will be just a bad memory!

Washing machine drawer

Finally, here’s one last surface that tends to have mold stains in the corners: the washing machine drawer! Mold in this appliance is a big problem because it could be transferred to our clothes making them dirty and unscented. To remove it, therefore, we suggest you try a DIY cleaning mix, resorting to:

  • 1 tablespoon of bar soap
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide

You will then simply mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until you get a frothy, homogeneous mixture. After that, apply it to a sponge and run it through the detergent tray to remove the mold inside. Finally, rinse and you’re done! To make it easier, you can also directly pull out the tub and rinse it under running water first. As if that were not enough, this mixture can also be used to remove mold from the gasket!


We recommend trying the remedies first in hidden nooks and crannies in order to carry out everything in safety and without damaging or staining surfaces. If you should notice larger traces of mold, contact those in charge. Be careful not to inhale its spores, which can harm your health.