Choose the right variety of lavender and the right material

To successfully grow lavender in pots, it’s important to choose the right variety and have the right equipment. In fact, some lavender varieties are better suited for growing in pots and indoors than others. True lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), for example, is excellent for growing in pots. It is particularly hardy and has a milder fragrance than other varieties, making it ideal for indoor use. Other varieties to consider include butterfly lavender (Lavandula stoechas) and tooth lavender (Lavandula dentata). As for the material, you will need a pot with drainage holes, a light and well-drained substrate, a stake to support the plant and possibly additional lighting if you do not have any.

  • A sufficiently bright location
  • Prepare the pot and substrate
  • Good drainage is essential for the health of lavender, as this plant does not tolerate excess water.
  • To ensure good drainage, choose a pot with drainage holes and use a light, well-drained substrate.

First, place a layer of gravel or clay pebbles on the bottom of the pot to facilitate water drainage. Next, prepare the substrate by mixing the following:

  • 50% universal soil
  • 25 % coarse sand
  • 25% well-rotted compost or dried manure.

This light, well-drained mixture will ensure that the lavender can grow properly without the threat of root rot.

Plant and position the lavender

Once the pot and substrate are ready, it’s time to plant the lavender. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Fill the pot with the prepared substrate, leaving about 2 inches between the substrate and the edge of the pot.
  2. Carefully remove the lavender from its original pot and untangle the roots if they are tangled.
  3. Place the lavender in the center of the pot and add substrate around the roots, compacting it slightly.
  4. Water liberally to moisten the substrate well, and check that the water flows properly through the drainage holes.
  5. Then place the pot in a sunny location, ideally near a south or west window. Lavender needs at least 6 hours of direct light per day to grow well. If you don’t have a bright enough location, you can use supplemental lighting, such as a garden lantern or LED lamp.

Also note that lavender appreciates a cool environment with temperatures between 60 and 72 °F. Do not place the pot near a radiator or heat source.

Taking care of lavender: watering, pruning and fertilizing

  • In order for your potted lavender to thrive indoors, it’s important to give it the care it needs in the form of watering, pruning and fertilizing.
  • Watering:  Lavender is a drought-resistant plant, so it’s best not to overwater it. Water moderately and allow the substrate to dry out slightly between waterings. Reduce watering further in winter as the plant enters a dormant period.
  • Pruning:  To encourage lavender growth and keep it compact, prune regularly. Cut off faded flowers and protruding stems and do a heavier pruning at the end of winter, removing about one-third of the plant’s total mass. Be careful not to cut into old wood, however, as this can damage the plant.
  • Fertilization:  Lavender does not need a lot of fertilizer, but adding organic fertilizer in the spring and summer can be beneficial. Choose a fertilizer that is high in potassium and low in nitrogen, such as wood ash or potash.

Control pests and diseases

Lavender is generally resistant to pests and diseases, but some precautions can be taken to prevent their occurrence.

  • Pests: the main pests that can infest potted lavender are aphids, scale insects and red spider mites. To keep them away, spray the plant regularly with soapy water or use natural insecticides such as neem oil. You can also use beneficial insects like ladybugs to control aphids.
  • Diseases:  Lavender can be susceptible to certain diseases, such as powdery mildew, rust and root rot. To prevent these problems, make sure you maintain good hygiene (clean the pot and tools regularly), don’t overwater, and provide good air circulation around the plant.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to successfully grow potted lavender in your home. Benefit from its beguiling fragrance and relaxing properties all year round!