Basil is a must in dishes like pizza and pasta. Harvesting the popular herb fresh and drying it is quite easy.

Not only should plant owners winterize their gardens and balconies in good time, but also some plants indoors. Basil is particularly sensitive to the cold, which is why it is worth harvesting the leaves and then drying them.

Drying basil after harvesting: a tool and air are crucial

Basil makes a difference in many dishes not only visually, but also in taste. If you want to do without the dried version from the supermarket, you can dry the leaves of basil after harvesting with an aid. Just as rosemary can be preserved, so can basil. All that is needed is a string, wire or thin rubber band. Before it goes to drying the plant, hobby cooks should follow some tips.

Drying basil: bundle the herb after harvesting and store it properly

This includes not harvesting the individual leaves of basil, but cutting off the appropriate amount on the stems with scissors. The portal Utopia recommends thereby to remove only so much stalk from the plant, as for the later hanging is needed.

The homemade spice has the most intense flavor when the basil is about to bear flowers. Once the desired amount of leaves on the stems is removed from the plant, they should be tied together with the wire, twine or similar. But be careful: between the stems should be enough free space in the bundle. Otherwise, there is a risk of mold.

To prevent unwanted mold when drying basil, the tied bouquets should then be hung upside down in a place where there is enough fresh air. Ideal conditions offers the place, if it is besides there warm, dry and predominantly dark, explains the portal my beautiful garden.

Dry basil at home: trick helps after the harvest

About two weeks it takes then, until the basil is completely dried. With a simple trick you can tell if the drying of the leaves was successful. To do this, simply pick one of the leaves from the basil bunch and rub it between your fingers. Once it is easy to crumble, the process is complete. The basil can then be stored in a sealable jar.