The exterior cladding system can save up to 2% energy in a 33-story house. In an 8-story apartment building, on the other hand, it can save up to 45%. These figures explain why many construction sites, both public and private, have opened, benefiting from the possibility of tax deductions based on energy efficiency. In the field of green building, new materials are paving the way for the use of even more efficient and clearly sustainable solutions, not only for the interior of a house, but also for the exterior. In fact, these solutions are able to act mainly on the walls, useful for dividing the spaces of the house. Among these solutions, certainly the one that uses cork is an efficient one.

The use of cork to insulate the wall can bring great savings

In the field of green building, new materials are paving the way for the use of even more efficient and clearly sustainable solutions, not only for the interior of a house, but also for the exterior. In fact, these solutions are able to act mainly on the walls, useful for dividing the spaces of the house. Among these solutions, certainly the one that uses cork is an efficient one.

Insulate interior wall: Use cork this way

To understand how to use cork, you need to understand how this object manages to insulate a wall in an excellent way. In fact, cork panels are perfect to counteract the dampness of interior walls, and they are also one of the most ecological materials and also the most practical in use. In fact, they can retain heat during the winter season and create a cooler environment during the summer months. Through its use, therefore, it will be possible to minimize the use of heating and, consequently, the formation of mold and moisture due to condensation. These cork boards also have the ability to improve sound insulation and make the room healthier and drier.

Of course, to use cork to insulate the walls, you need to take the help of professionals in the industry. At the same time, it is also possible to do this work on their own. The material to be purchased is a breathable, 100% natural, expanded cork board, which is designed to last a long time. In addition, cork must be certified as a safe material for humans after testing for the emission of chemical substances (VOCs). So, on the label you need to read the initials and logos of safety protocols.

In fact, for a well-executed do-it-yourself work, it is necessary to use panels for dry installation, that is, such as CORK – SELF ZERO. These panels are easy and also quick to install. They must be insulating and fastened with the supplied strips or fixed with adhesive material. Alternatively, you can use plasterboard, fiberboard and even wooden slats. In short, you need to use the material that is available to you.

How thick does corkboard need to be effective?

There are different thicknesses of corkboard that are useful for insulating a wall. The most classic and common are agglomerated corkboard, which has a thickness of 0.5 inch and for external indicators may be a maximum of 8 inches. As for the interiors, on the other hand, the density for the panel to be purchased must be about 340 pounds per cubic 3 feet. In this way, it will also be possible to obtain excellent thermal-acoustic insulation.

The thinnest and at the same time the most efficient are the pressed cork rolls, which have a higher density of about 440 pounds per cubic 3 feet, but at the same time are thinner, from 2 to 10 millimeters. The most modern materials can also be left visible, perhaps after decorating them with natural paints. Now it’s just time to get to work.