When we buy an orchid and bring it home, it’s almost normal that after a while it starts to lose its flowers and soon afterwards starts to rot. As wonderful as they are, orchids require very special care.

Orchids are among the most loved and appreciated of plants, but they are very delicate and difficult to manage. If you have an orchid at home and its leaves are turning yellow, apply one of the 4 tips we suggest below.

The plant’s normal aging process is the main cause of yellowing leaves. It’s a perfectly normal process: the plant is about to lose the mature leaf in order to produce a new one.

The problem is that the leaves that turn yellow are those at the top of the plant. There are many different reasons for this phenomenon, each with its own specific solution. Identifying the problem (water shortage, infections or nutrient deficiencies) is essential to solving it.

1. Orchid leaf drop and yellowing

Orchid leaf loss can occur as the plant ages, but if new ones don’t appear, the cause is likely to be overwatering or sun exposure.

Place the plant in a cool, shady spot and make sure your orchid is well drained to avoid moisture build-up.

2. Leaf yellowing due to disease

Orchids are also prone to viruses, fungi and bacterial diseases. Some of these cause light or dark spots on the leaves, while others cause them to turn yellow or brown. Unfortunately, there is no cure for orchid viruses.

Try to act in time, keeping the virus-affected orchid away from others and getting rid of the diseased plant as quickly as possible.

3. Yellowing leaves blocking plant growth

After flowering, orchids enter a resting phase, but they may not grow if the light they receive is inadequate.

Keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Apply a specific fertilizer every 15 days so that it can absorb all the nutrients it needs. Remember that healthy orchids can flower every 3 to 6 months.

4. Insect-induced leaf yellowing

If, in addition to being yellow, the leaves look nibbled or pricked, or if there’s a white powder beneath their surface, they’ve probably been attacked by an insect or fungus.

Apply a little neem oil if it’s a mild problem, but if the infection is severe, you’ll need to use hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol. Pour either product onto a microfiber cloth and rub it gently over the orchid leaves.

Now that you know how to care for an orchid with yellowed leaves, try to discover the cause of the problem and be able to solve it with the solutions listed above.