With this trick, the floor shines for many days: stains and streaks around the house are a thing of the past. Here is the solution that will save you from house cleaning. You will not be able to do without it anymore. Do not worry if you also have to deal with stained and streaky floors every day. We have the right solution for you. With this trick, the floor will shine for days. This is how you should proceed.

Stained floors full of streaks: Here are the solutions for effective cleaning

Washing the floors is one of the things that we do every day and that are part of the domestic routine to have a clean and tidy home. How often, even after polishing our floor, we notice halos and stains in the distance, as if we had never cleaned it? Unfortunately, dust, dirt and crumbs form immediately, ruining our efforts. If you, like many others, vacuum with water and a cloth before cleaning, we tell you that you are doing an excellent job. But if you don’t have much time or your vacuum cleaner is broken, how can you solve these problems? Here comes the solution that will save you. With this double trick, the floor will shine for days. You can forget about stains and streaks all over the house. Here is the secret, which we reveal to you and you can no longer do without.

With this trick the floor shines for days: result guaranteed

Are you looking for a solution to have a clean and shiny floor for days? Then continue reading this article. Today you will discover the trick to clean the whole house effortlessly and with excellent results. This secret, which we are about to tell you, will help you reduce the time you spend at home with boring house cleaning. Are you ready to learn the secret that will change your cleaning routine? So, let’s get started right away.

Whether you have a shiny porcelain stoneware floor or not, it does not matter: this solution, which we will tell you about in a moment, adapts to any type of tile. First you need to pour 2 tablespoons of dishwashing liquid in a bucket – in which you have already put 3 quarts of water. Then combine a cup of talcum powder, a handful of coarse salt and a portion of fabric softener, which you use to perfume your laundry. At this point, get an old or used shirt or one that you no longer use. What are you going to do with it? You need to run it over your broom and coat the bristles of the brush with it. At this point, all you have to do is dip your broom covered with the old shirt in the bucket where you poured the above ingredients and start washing the floor. You will see that all the stains (and even the smallest halos) will disappear from your tiles. In just a few minutes you will have a floor that is not only clean and shiny, but also perfumed. The talcum powder and fabric softener that you poured into the bucket will help the tiles smell and the cleaner will degrease and polish them. Salt, on the other hand, is able to absorb liquids and remove even the most stubborn stains. This solution is really very useful, but most importantly, economical.

As you can see, to do this you can use the products that you already have at home. However, before proceeding to wash the floors, we recommend that you sweep them to remove crumbs, dirt or food residues that will surely be on the tiles. If you do not have a vacuum cleaner at your disposal, we have another smart solution for you, instead of using a broom in the traditional way. Wrap the bristles of your broom in a plastic bag and start sweeping. In this way, you will see that the material that makes up the wrapper attracts dust, hair and dirt on the floor like a magnet. After that, wet the old shirt you got in the bucket with all the above ingredients and tie it to your broom and start scrubbing the floor. The results you get will be extraordinary.

Of course, there are other products that can help you have a clean and shiny home in no time and with minimal effort. For example, did you know that white vinegar can disinfect and clean all surfaces? It is especially good for ceramic floors. On the other hand, if you have a wooden floor and not porcelain stoneware, what should you do? Here too we have a solution for you. In addition to the above ingredients, you also need to add a measure of olive oil. Well, this product, which is a natural fat, can not only protect your floor from scratches and superficial injuries, but also give it shine and cleanliness.