A vacuum cleaner is one of those appliances that is never missing in the home because it allows you to thoroughly clean the floor with careful dust removal. Over time, it has also been seen how effective it can be at simultaneously cleaning and scenting rooms by putting some natural ingredients in the bag. However, there can always be snags, such as a closed smell while in operation. If this has happened to you too, don’t worry! Today we will see amazing tricks you can use to make your vacuum cleaner smell good again!

Baking soda

I just had to mention baking soda as the first solution to get the smell out of your vacuum cleaner. This fantastic ingredient, essential in natural remedies, absorbs odors naturally, which is why it is also used in areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. So simply vacuum or put a couple of tablespoons of the product directly into the bag and leave it like that overnight. You will see that within a few hours the odor will be gone and you will be able to use the vacuum cleaner again without smelling the odors!


Similar to baking soda, cornstarch can also send away moisture and odors! In fact, it is one of the most popular and beloved tricks for getting the stench out and wiping the damp off your shoes. In the case of vacuuming you will need to put  ½  tablespoons of starch directly into the bag, I recommend sucking it up because it may stick to the vacuum hoses and on the floor. Leave it like this for a few hours so it can act and you will see that when you vacuum the appliance it will no longer smell!

Talcum Powder

The third trick for removing odors also has another function: that of scenting! In fact, talcum powder is ideal for combining these two solutions, and more and more people are choosing it to perfume their whole house with an intoxicating smell! As also mentioned for cornstarch, I recommend putting the talcum powder directly into the bag, but if you have floors that are not particularly delicate, you can also vacuum it up. You will smell the wonderful fragrance in every room!

For scenting

Once the bad smells have been sent away, what’s left for us to do is to find ways to scent the vacuum cleaner. Of course, you can also choose to simply get rid of the bad smells and that’s it, but I suggest you try the following tricks so you can spread a good smell in the house. Let’s find out together which methods are the most loved!


First of all: laurel! Fantastic plant that never ceases to amaze because of the thousands of qualities it possesses, including smelling good. If you want your home to have the scent of its leaves, all you have to do is open the bag and break up a few leaves inside. Choose the amount of leaves according to the intensity of the scent you want to smell and see what a wonderful result!

Citrus peels

Citrus peels are also a popular trick for scenting your vacuum cleaner! In fact, they are also used in furniture or as a natural room scent enhancer through heady-smelling infusions. All you’ll need to do is take some citrus peels (mixed peels are fine) and air-dry them in the open air or under the oven. Once dried, place them in the bag and that’s it!

N.B. It is very important that the leaves are dried otherwise they may rot in the bag and form mold.

Essential oils

Let’s conclude the remedies for scenting with one that is also perfect for those who own vacuum cleaners with a water tank. So, choose the fragrance you most like and would like to smell in the rooms and put a few drops inside the tank. For the vacuum cleaner with a bag, you will have to, on the other hand, pour a few drops of oil on a cotton ball or cotton disk and put it into the bag.

Warning. Do not vacuum wadding at all because it may clog the hoses. In case the smell is indicative of a malfunction, the advice of a technician should be heard.