Unwanted creatures, rats and mice find refuge in several homes. Although these rodents are not necessarily a threat, they are particularly feared and cause disgust in many people. Discover a particularly effective means to get rid of them: the toothpaste and baking soda repellent, accompanied by some tips and tricks to get rid of them. Mice and rats owe their reputation as pests to their propensity to cause damage in the home and garden, but also because they are often associated with diseases. Before you move on to natural solutions to get rid of them, it’s also useful to learn more about these pesky animals.  

How do you know if there is a rat in your house? 

The appearance of these creatures is rather fleeting. In fact, their frenetic movement allows them to reach their nest quickly. On the other hand, since they are nocturnal animals, it can be difficult to cross their path. To know if your house has been attacked or not, you can guide certain tracks in their identification. Whether it’s a mouse, rat, mole or field mouse, look for the following signs:  

  • bold tracks
  • Scratch marks
  • Paw prints
  • rubbing noises
  • dents in furniture
  • small droppings
  • smells like musk or ammonia

How dangerous are rats? 

At night, it is quite common to see rats or mice roaming around in groups. While some flee the perimeter due to the risk of disease, others don’t pay much attention. One then wonders if these creatures are really dangerous. 

“The sight of a rat is unpleasant, it’s disgusting, but the risk of being bitten is very low,” assures Barbara Dufour, veterinarian at the Maisons-Alfort Veterinary School. Rather than attacking an individual, the rat is “an intelligent animal” that prefers flight to biting. But it is true that it can cause infections and other diseases. In fact, rodents are often exposed to bacteria. But the veterinarian wants to reassure once again, because these diseases are easily curable thanks to antibiotic therapy. Moreover, the damage is not “extremely serious”, adds the specialist. However, in the event of a bite, hands should be thoroughly washed with soap and water to best eliminate pathogens. Then you need to quickly see your doctor to receive the appropriate antibiotic treatment.  

How to prepare toothpaste and baking soda repellent? 

There are several natural tips to get rid of rodents and prevent them from colonizing our homes. Among them, the combination of baking soda and toothpaste proves to be a good way to repel and eliminate these pests, according to a YouTube video of Mr. Maker channel, which has almost 2 million views. Discover the levels of preparation of this repellent with elements that you will easily find or that are probably already at home. In this cheat, the goal is to make bait balls with the following items: 

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 4 tablespoons of crushed salted peanuts
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of toothpaste

Application: Mix all the elements in a container until you get a compact and homogeneous mixture. The toothpaste will serve as a binder for the preparation. After that, form small balls and place them in the places where you saw mice. Rodents should be attracted to sugar and peanuts and once they try the bait, it should have solved your problem. In fact, baking soda causes the death of these pests. 

More tips on how to hunt rodents naturally

To exterminate rats or repel rodents, you can use natural solutions that are ideal substitutes for toxic products. These are to be tried according to the elements present and the method that best suits you. Let’s review them:  

  1. Plaster and flour

Rodents love certain substances that they can eliminate after consumption. Among them, the mixture of plaster and flour, which turns out to be very effective and impressive when the rodents have swallowed this preparation. The same applies to cola, which simply need to pour into a bowl, which is placed in the house. 

  1. Peppermint

Peppermint is a natural repellent that is especially known for keeping mice and rats away. In fact, the latter do not appreciate the smell of this plant. You can put a few drops in the form of essential oil on a cotton ball to place it in areas such as the terrace, balcony or garden to scare away all kinds of rodents. It is also possible to use it in a bouquet of flowers placed in the same places. Also, using mint as a natural way to scare away mice also works on spiders. 

  1. chili

Chili is another effective repellent. Follow the steps below to use it: 

  • Take a container and put one teaspoon of cayenne pepper in it.
  • Add another teaspoon of hot sauce and a teaspoon of liquid soap
  • Mix all these ingredients with water (two cups)
  • Put everything in a spray bottle
  • Use it in areas like garden or yard
  1. Angelica and eucalyptus

Like sage, pepper or laurel, angelica turns out to be a remarkable natural repellent. However, it is not easy to get your hands on this plant. If you can get some, place sprigs of angelica in the areas where you have seen the rodents.  The same goes for eucalyptus. Rodents are repelled especially by its smell.  Place them in high traffic areas as well as along walls. In addition, you can use essential oils of eucalyptus, lemongrass or even clary sage and soak cotton balls in the same areas. The same goes for strong-smelling plants like euphorbias, imperial crowns, hyacinths, carnations or incarvillea. However, be sure to read up on the plants you choose, as some of them can be toxic to humans or pets. 

  1. Steel wool

It is a useful material to repel unwanted creatures. In fact, the steel wool allows to condemn the holes and the cracks that probably facilitate their passage.  

What about ultrasonic repellents? 

These products owe their effectiveness to sound vibrations that can be perceived only by rodents. Apart from being particularly practical to repel all types of rodents, they are devices whose vibrations do not penetrate walls. To increase their effectiveness, they must be placed in every room of your house.  

Hunt rodents with your pet 

Generally, the first pet that comes to mind is none other than our favorite cat! A cat is known to be an excellent predator when it comes to hunting rats and mice. If you have one, the pests will not hesitate to flee the house. 

How to catch rodents? 

Between natural repellents, pets and practical devices, you also have the option of using a classic rodent trapping system. Without killing them, you can use a cage as a rat trap. You can use it to catch rats and mice inside or outside the house. Obviously, it is better to add some bait to increase your chances of success. Bread, flour, peanut butter or cheese are all foods that can be used.   

How can you keep them away forever? 

With simple gestures, it is possible to prevent an invasion of rats and mice in your home. Here are some practical tips: 

  • Install grates at the end of the pipes. Install them on basement access windows as well.
  • Identify all openings and other cracks in your home that rodents can squeeze through. Then seal these openings (e.g., with cement or for a less radical solution, steel wool or even an aluminum ball).
  • Be sure to arrange your food so that rats cannot access it.
  • Your trash can must be hermetically sealed
  • Food should also be stored in airtight containers
  • Avoid an accumulation of items in the basement, cellar or attic. If there are too many, mice, moles, rats and field mice will take up residence there.
  • Perform regular maintenance on your home for a healthy lifestyle. Cleaning tips can make this easier.

Natural methods are as effective as they are versatile in eradicating rats and mice. However, if you are faced with a rodent infestation, enlist the expertise of an extermination company to get rid of it once and for all.