Jade tree is a succulent with magnificent evergreen foliage and is characterized by its round, thick leaves that look like small coins. According to Chinese tradition and especially Feng Shui discipline, it should bring good luck, wealth and prosperity to its owners. Very decorative indoors, easy to grow. It is still necessary to take good care of it to maintain its beauty and preserve its bushy appearance.

Originally from South Africa, jade tree is very popular all over the world, it is even one of the most popular indoor plants. With its heavily branched brown trunk in a bonsai look, this plant brings a lush character to the balcony. This tree is pollution-free and extremely hardy, it is not demanding and requires very little care. However, if you want it to grow quickly, you need to care for it properly. Let’s find out together how to care for it properly to keep it healthy.


Jade tree develops according to a very simple mechanism: the more space it has, the more it spreads and grows. This plant is sold in a very small size in a pot. If you want to see it grow, repot it in a larger pot for better growth and root development. Repotting is therefore essential if the jade tree is crowded. Remember to mix the potting soil with sand. And keep it in a sunny place.

The best time to repot is definitely early spring, when the plant is preparing to grow with the rising temperatures. When repotting, always be careful not to damage the plant’s roots, or it may take much longer for them to regrow.


Nothing beats a well-chosen fertilizer to keep your jade tree growing in the best conditions! But what is the most appropriate fertilizer for this plant? Since it is a fatty and succulent plant, it is necessary to prefer fertilizers that are specific to this species and therefore have a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

If the fertilizer is liquid, never apply it to completely dry soil. In general, always follow the quantity instructions on the product packaging. You can also fertilize the plant with a natural, organic fertilizer, such as coffee grounds. Thanks to its slightly acidic pH, simply crumble it and sprinkle it on the soil to release a high concentration of nitrogen over time. As a bonus, it is a perfect repellent against parasites and pests such as slugs or snails. This method is very easy to use and you can even apply it to other plants in the garden .

Warning: however, it is important not to abuse the coffee grounds, as you may alter the pH of the soil.

The right location:

Keeping the jade tree on the balcony seems ideal to make it grow bushy and dense. But beware of excessive sunlight: avoid too intense rays that can burn the leaves and turn them yellowish. In winter, the plant tends to grow more slowly, ideal would be to place it indoors. Especially if the temperatures on the balcony are too low or even below 14°F.

Note: If your jade tree seems to be in pain, always ask your florist or gardener for help.

Make cuttings:

If your jade tree is growing too slowly, you can make a bush by taking cuttings in the same pot.

Take cuttings by using well-sterilized scissors to cut a stem with healthy leaves. Then place them in the potting soil of the same pot, at least 1-2 inches apart, to prevent the roots from intertwining and suffocating each other.

Note: Before burying the cuttings, it is useful to soak the cut part in a rooting product to accelerate the growth of new roots.