If you want to do something really good for your cat every now and then, then just cook for your pussycat! What they may feed and what there is to consider, you will learn here. Every now and then, our cat simply deserves something special. And we don’t mean the usual cat snacks, but home-cooked food! A real highlight for every kitty.

How to cook for your cat

  1. The right meat

If you want to cook for your cat, the meat is of course the basic ingredient. It should always be fresh. Chicken, turkey, goose, lamb and beef are especially suitable for feeding. Cook the meat well in a pot of hot water and refrain from salting the cooking water. Roasted meat is not suitable for cats. You can feed the meats raw if you like.

Important: Please do not feed raw pork, otherwise there is a possibility that your darling will be infected with the Aujeszky virus.

  1. Do not spice!

For us, seasoning our food is a matter of course. However, if you cook for your cat, you should definitely avoid salt, pepper and other spices. Spices can have a negative effect on your pet’s kidney function and, in the worst case, lead to serious health problems.

  1. Spice up food with vegetables

Cats are also very happy with a small amount of cooked vegetables. You may add the following vegetables to your kitty’s homemade cat food:

  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Beet
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers

It is best to test out which vegetables your cat likes beforehand. This way, you can compose the home-cooked meal according to the individual taste of your velvet paw.