Removing mold in the bathroom is one of the most tedious and complicated tasks, when you start to remove the dirt that accumulates in this room. The appearance of these fungi on walls, tiles, grout and other hidden places is common, with the associated problems. There are tricks that we can use to get rid of it. Let’s see what to do.

Why does mold form?

Before you understand how to get rid of mold in the bathroom, you should understand what factors contribute to its appearance to ensure that it does not reappear. To avoid subsequent proliferation, we can add routine measures that can significantly affect the hygiene of our service.

One of the causes that forces us to have to eliminate mold in the bathroom later is the hermetic seal of many fixtures. In fact, these fill with water vapor and generate a large amount of moisture inside them. What we need to do in these cases is to open the windows immediately after taking a shower. This helps to renew the air and dry the surfaces soaked with water vapor. You also need to remove dust, as it helps molds to thrive, so cleaning most surfaces in your bathroom will help not to feed these possible fungi. Also, don’t leave towels folded and damp in the bathroom, make sure they are allowed to dry completely.

How to get rid of mold in the bathroom

If we remove the aesthetic aspect that these ” tenants ” leave in our bathroom, giving a distinct feeling of dirt, we must understand that the problems can go further, even to the detriment of our health. Mold can be bad for your health and for all those who live with you in the house. Constant exposure to these fungi can cause us serious problems through allergies, infections and other ailments, so it is not foolish to control their growth at home.

The growth of mold on the various bathroom surfaces mentioned above can cause them to deteriorate. Therefore, it is a good idea to remove and clean them as soon as possible, to save us from problems in the future. A phenomenal mixture for removing mold from walls and other things in the bathroom requires three parts baking soda and one part hydrogen peroxide.

Once placed in a bowl, these ingredients must be mixed and passed with a brush over the escape routes where the mold has formed. At the end of the treatment, simply rinse the treated area and let it dry or use a microfiber cloth.

As a final treatment to preserve the escape routes from the installed mold, we must take a normal candle of the same color as the escape routes, so usually white. With the tip of the candle start rubbing the joints, because the kerosene contained in the candles protects and lightens at the same time. At the end of the operation, remove any waxy residue with a dry microfiber cloth, rinse again and dry.

The kerosene forms a thin waterproof layer where it passes through, but eventually the wall dries quickly. This treatment lasts several days, to maintain this protection, it is enough to repeat it at least once a month.