Moisture can affect any place in our home. It could be ceilings, walls, bathrooms, kitchen, windows. As soon as the coldest season returns, the black mold stains appear immediately, a real nightmare for all owners. To prevent this problem, an expert gives unstoppable advice that can save you this winter. Moisture can affect your home, often due to lack of maintenance. It can cause damage to your home, but also health problems.

What are the causes of dampness in winter?

Moisture is present when there is excess steam in the air that cannot escape due to poor ventilation. This excess can be caused by steam from cooking, drying clothes indoors, and sweat from showering. In addition, any construction or plumbing problem that allows water or steam to enter the house can cause moisture problems, including: a leaking roof or pipes, the water system in the damaged washing machine or dishwasher, and so on.

What are the consequences of an untreated moisture problem?

Moisture can affect your home in a variety of ways, and if not prevented or eliminated in a timely manner, it can have devastating effects that are very costly. In addition, dampness can also cause serious health problems, including respiratory illnesses.

How to prevent dampness in winter by heating?

According to the British tabloid Express, Mark Ronald, Chief Engineer and Boiler Expert at Home tree, explained that condensation is one of the most common forms of moisture that affects homes, and that this is mainly caused by poor ventilation. Here are his tips on how to keep moisture out with central heating.

  • Prevent damp by keeping your home warm

As the cost of living continues to rise, most households are doing everything they can to reduce their heating bills. However, it can be difficult to keep moisture and mold out without using this device. According to the expert, while this can increase your energy bill, it represents nothing compared to the price it would cost to use the services of a company that specializes in moisture and mold treatment and prevention. The solution to this problem is to keep your heating at a constant temperature and make sure that all the rooms in your house are warm. Otherwise, if your house is not heated enough, it will increase condensation.

  • Avoid humidity by gradually adjusting the heating temperature

In fact, a sudden drop in temperature leads to an accumulation of moisture and causes condensation, especially at the level of the windows. This is also true if you heat only one room and keep the next room cold. To avoid this problem, change the temperature of your heating gradually every 30 minutes. In fact, 70°F is the ideal temperature to which you should set it. This will allow you to achieve a humidity rate of 50% (that is, the normal rate varies between 45 and 65%).

  • Prevent humidity by ventilating your home

If your heater is on and you have a ventilation problem, this would cause condensation. In this case, make sure that the air can circulate freely. To do this, simply open the windows as often as possible for 15 to 30 minutes, so that the warm, moist air can escape.

Moisture can cause all sorts of problems; condensation, peeling paint, appearance of mold and rust, and bad odors. You therefore need to act quickly to avoid damaging your home and exposing yourself to serious health problems.