Do you notice traces of mold on your ceiling? If so, you need to act quickly to remove it. And for good reason, these microscopic fungi can cause health problems in addition to being unsightly. This type of problem can occur in a damp and poorly ventilated space or be the symptom of water intrusion, either through the roof or at the level of the pipes. Learn how to get rid of mold on the ceiling here.

Why is it important to remove mold?

When mold settles on a ceiling, it’s certainly not the most visible spot, but it’s not very aesthetically pleasing, and once the invader is discovered, it’s usually all we see. Either way, wherever mold is found, it is important to remove it regularly and not let it grow. And for good reason, the damage it can do to your support is significant and can be very problematic, as can the damage to your health. In fact, when mold is present, indoor air contains even more pollutants than usual, which can affect your health, especially your lungs. It has also been found that molds are not without consequences for the health of your skin and can cause fungal infections. For all these reasons, it is important to be vigilant and act immediately when traces of mold appear.

Remove mold from the ceiling

For a healthy interior, walls and ceilings must be dry, clean and healthy. That’s why it’s important to clean them as soon as you notice signs of mold. In case of a contaminated ceiling, you can proceed quite easily, just pay attention to its texture.

In case of a washable ceiling

If you notice brown, green, black or orange traces on your ceiling, it is mold traces. It is then necessary to proceed with cleaning your ceiling. For this, you will need a stepladder to reach it easily. If it is covered with a washable paint or made of a washable material, you can proceed as follows.

First, remember to equip yourself with protective gear such as mask, gloves and goggles. It is also recommended to wear old clothes.

  • In a container (such as a bucket or bowl), prepare a mixture with 1 cup of white vinegar , diluted in ¾ cup of water. In case of severe mold stains, the amount of water can be reduced.
  • Dip a brush into the mixture and gently rub the marks with it until they disappear completely.
  • It is possible to repeat the process to remove stubborn stains.
  • Then rinse your ceiling with clean water to remove all traces of vinegar.
  • Air the room until the ceiling is completely dry.
  • It is also possible to use bleach instead of vinegar.

If you have a plaster ceiling

If you have a plaster ceiling, you need to proceed carefully to overcome traces of mold. And for good reason, this type of ceiling is more fragile and does not hold water. Therefore, we will proceed differently.

  • Using a cloth previously impregnated with white vinegar, gently rub over the traces of mold until they disappear. Be careful not to rinse the plaster ceiling.
  • Another solution is to use baking soda , which you sprinkle on a damp cloth.

You can also opt for a very slightly diluted bleach. Again, it is recommended to use protection such as goggles, gloves and a mask.

Get back on a good footing

If your ceiling is heavily infested with mold, you should clean it thoroughly to start over. To do this, you must first remove all paint chips. To do this, simply scrape the surface with a spatula until you have removed all the loose. If there is a coating, it will need to be removed first. Once your ceiling is completely dry, you can apply a mold treatment.

The treatment you use will depend on the nature of the problem. In fact, if there are traces of moisture, you will need to apply an impregnation treatment, while if there is mold, you will need to apply an anti-fungal treatment.

It is best to consult a professional who can identify the causes and guide you in the methods to effectively solve your problem.

Prevent the appearance of mold on the ceiling

Once the traces of mold are eliminated, you need to be vigilant so that they do not reappear. You can prevent their appearance with a few simple tricks.

  • Clean your vents regularly and make sure they are not blocked. It’s important not to block them or put a piece of furniture in front of them so they can provide good ventilation to the room.
  • Verify that there is no water leak causing this moisture problem. Make sure there are no water problems in the space above the ceiling that show signs of mold. It is also important to make sure that there is no water seepage or flow. Finally, double check the ventilation of the room in question.

Once the cause is found, the problem must be fixed before you start renovating the room. Otherwise, it will be useless, and the problem will occur again