You’ve been wearing your favorite shirt and lo and behold, you get a stain that seems to have ruined it beyond repair. How many times has this happened to you? I imagine often! Whether it is chocolate, wine, oil or tomato, it matters little, as all we care about is trying to remove it and recover our garment! Therefore, today we offer you a guide to remove every stain from clothes using only natural and home remedies! Let’s see together how to do it!

  • Juice stains

Let’s start with juice stains, which tend to appear as very “colorful” halos. Removing these stains is not impossible, as we have these tricks for you! If the stains are fresh, you only need to try dabbing them with sparkling water, as the oxygen inside will create a reaction that can remove the stain. If the stain is dry, on the other hand, we recommend soaking the garment in a basin containing water and vinegar! If the stain is still there, then you can make use of denatured alcohol, which although not exactly natural, has a totally ecological approach. Mix, then, 3 tablespoons of denatured alcohol and a tablespoon of water, after which you dip a cloth into the resulting solution and dab it on the stain. Finally, absorb with a clean cloth and proceed to wash.

  • Oil stains

Perhaps they fall among the most dreaded stains, the ones that make us fear we have to throw away our garment, yet this is not the case! What are we talking about? Of oil stains! If the stain is fresh, you can use cornstarch, which has such an absorbent function that it can even dry clean carpets! Sprinkle, then, the halo with cornstarch and leave it for a few minutes so that the oil is absorbed by the dust. Then, with a brush, remove the residue and continue with the washing! In the case of a dry stain, however, it may be a little more difficult to remove, but absolutely not impossible! We recommend, therefore, that you pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar over the stain and leave it on for about 10 minutes. After that, proceed with ordinary hand or machine washing. You can repeat the operation even several times if the stain does not seem to go away.

  • Ice cream stains

Perhaps these are stains that we find ourselves more in summer, but still very much dreaded always: ice cream stains. Of course, the difficulty in removing them also varies depending on the type of stain. In the case, for example, of stains from fruit ice cream or some lighter creams, you can pour some sparkling water over them and dab the stain with a tissue if the stain is fresh. If, on the other hand, it is dry, rub the garment with bar soap and rinse thoroughly. If, on the other hand, it is a fresh chocolate ice cream stain, rub it immediately with a little bar soap and then proceed with machine washing. If, however, it is old and dry, scatter it with coarse salt, then soak the garment in previously salted water and scrub it with a brush. Finally, wash the garment normally in the washing machine.

  • Wine stains

Not only tablecloths tend to be stained with wine, but also our garments when we distractedly spill our goblet on them. In this case, too, we recommend that you sprinkle the stain with fine salt, wait a few minutes and rinse with sparkling water. Salt, in fact. is an excellent ally for cleaning the house, as it boasts abrasive properties that can remove stains. In the case, then, of white clothing, you can also use hydrogen peroxide. Dab, then, the stain with a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide, after which leave it for a few minutes.

  • Tomato stains

As good as tomato soup is, let’s face it we have to be very careful when we eat it because we might find splashes all over our shirts. But fortunately, it is possible to remove these much-hated tomato or sauce stains! In this case, we recommend that you act promptly to prevent the stain from setting into the fabric. Therefore, spray a little cold water directly on the stain and cover it with baking soda, leaving it to act for about twenty minutes. Then, proceed with the washing. In the case of white clothes, you can also use a paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. So, mix ½ lb. of baking soda and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide until you get a paste-like mixture, after which you apply it to the stain and leave it for about 10 minutes. Finally, rinse and proceed with ordinary washing.

N.B Remember to try hydrogen peroxide on white clothes only!

  • Coffee stains

But how great is it to sip a cup of coffee? So much! A little less nice, however, is finding yourself with coffee stains on your clothes! Fortunately, however, you can remove it with our tricks! If the coffee is freshly dripped, you can pour a little soda water and dab, then, gently. On the other hand, in the case of more stubborn stains, massage a mixture made with baking soda and a little liquid soap onto the stain. Leave it to act, brush, and finally proceed with the washing. We remind you, in fact, that soap is an excellent pre-treatment on stains and you can also use it to make a stain remover!

  • Grass stains

These stains come in the form of a green halo and often scare us so much because we fear we cannot get rid of them. Instead, you can! If the grass stains are fresh, you can rub bar soap on the stain and then move on to ordinary clothes washing. If, on the other hand, the stains are “old,” then we recommend pre-treating them with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and regular water in equal parts. Always remember, however, that you can use hydrogen peroxide only on white garments! In case of colored garments, pre-treat these stains with vinegar and water.

  • Blood stains

They are not pretty to look at but, fortunately, not difficult to remove. What are we talking about? Of the blood stains! Again, we advise you to remove them while they are still fresh, without waiting for them to dry. If fresh, you can run cold water over them so that the stain does not set and then proceed with ordinary washing. If, on the other hand, dry, you can pre-treat them with bar soap and proceed with a quick cold water soak.

Important: It is better to always use very cold water and not to let the clothes soak for too long, as the temperature would make the stains impossible to remove, besides the fact that it would make them “extend.”

  • Yellow sweat stains

Finally, let’s look at the last type of stains: yellow stains due to sweat or the passage of time.  In this case, we recommend that you make a bleaching paste by mixing 2 ounces of percarbonate with 3 tablespoon of warm water and adding 1 ounce of organic laundry detergent and 1/3 lb. of baking soda. Let, then, the mixture sit for a few minutes-you will notice that it will swell. At this point, apply it to the stain with a toothbrush. Leave it to act, after which, without rinsing, wash the garment in the washing machine at 90°/100° F.

Equally effective is vinegar, which is a godsend for promoting the whiteness of fabrics and reviving the color of garments. Therefore, add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar to a basin containing warm water, after which, soak your garment and and let it soak for at least 30 minutes.


These are environmentally friendly and natural methods of removing stains from clothes economically and effectively. However, always stick to the washing directions so as not to ruin the garment and try these remedies first in hidden areas to make sure they will not damage them. Do not use these remedies on suede or velvet as halos may form.