A cut, an exploding pimple or a menstruation in the middle of the night can cause blood stains on our clothes or bed. Fortunately, today it is much easier than before to remove these organic residues from clothes and fabrics. But how? Very easily. You just need to know a few tricks and compare them for their great effectiveness.

How to remove dried blood stains

Blood stains have a reputation for being very difficult to remove, but when it comes to dried blood stains, the problem is bigger. We try to dispel this myth by explaining which products are best for cleaning dried and fresh blood stains. With blood stains, a lot depends on the material on which the drop has landed. Let’s debunk a false myth that makes it virtually impossible to remove the stain: use hot water.

Hot water acts as a coagulant, causing it to concentrate, stick more strongly to the surface and make cleaning more difficult. Dried blood also seems easier to clean, but it is not. With blood, the sooner we act, the greater the chance of success. In any fabric, speed is the key to the effectiveness of any blood cleansing method. And it is important to treat the garment before cleaning as it can stick to the clothing. For normal clothing that is not delicate, the most effective way is to dampen it in cold water and soap it, rubbing the area well so that it does not get wrapped up.

  • Toothpaste

If it’s a delicate piece of fabric (like a blouse or silk dress), it’s best to forget the hydrogen peroxide. We could risk burning our heads. For this type of fabric, the most recommended is classic toothpaste without additives or dyes. Therefore, it is applied directly to the affected area and edges, let it dry and then rinse well with cold water. It should only be rubbed on once the garment has been finally washed. If you are not at home, try moistening the stain with very cold mineral water. We will fix the problem before you get home.

  • Coarse salt

Coarse salt to remove blood stains can also be used on dark clothing such as denim jeans. If the stain is fresh, a good trick is to wash it with water and salt by soaking the garment in cold water and adding some coarse salt. Once the soaking is finished, we can continue by gently rubbing the stain between our hands. The salt will help to remove the blood, which will adhere more strongly and not penetrate the fabric too much. Then we can do the normal wash, so there is no risk of the colors fading.

  • Salt and hydrogen peroxide for white clothes

If the clothes stained with blood are white, more care should be taken when cleaning so that the stain does not fade but remains permanent. First of all, you need to wash it as quickly as possible so that the blood dyes do not penetrate too deeply. When the blood is still fresh, it is much easier to remove from the fabric. Therefore, act immediately to prevent damage to the garment. If we have access to hydrogen peroxide in this case, we can spray some directly onto the stain and then wash it in cold water as usual.

  • Bicarbonate

It is a product with a thousand uses! We use it in the kitchen and bathroom, to clean floors or to remove mold. In this case too, the properties of bicarbonate benefit those who are struggling with a blood stain, for example on the mattress. You need to make a kind of cream from water and bicarbonate and rub it into the stain. Once the item has dried, brush off the stain or another stain.