As limestone accumulates on the walls of the toilet and quickly settles, a question torments the minds of those who resist housework. How to make it disappear without spending hours scrubbing? Don’t panic. Although limescale can be intimidating, there are simple and inexpensive tips to remove it with little or no effort.

To put an end to the proliferation of bacteria and germs in your toilets, it’s important to already be armed with a winning mentality: regular cleaning! But if you’re dealing with scale-sized problems, hard times come hard and fast. And no, it’s out of the question to resort to chemical products when the solution is at hand with natural ingredients. We show you ecological methods that allow you to descale your toilets without resorting to aggressive methods.

How to descale a toilet? Discover proven tips

If it’s not always easy to deal with calcified toilets, it’s because hard water has given the limescale time to accumulate in the bowl. With these tips, you’ll tackle the problem head on to dissolve tartar without too much difficulty.

Descale toilets without rubbing with citric acid and baking soda

There is indeed a great way to get rid of unsightly brown stains in the toilet bowl without having to scrub. The homemade solution is to use the properties of citric acid and the natural abrasive power of baking soda. To prepare this toilet cleaning powder, here are the simple steps to follow:

  • In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of citric acid.
  • Add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to it.
  • Mix again and then pour the solution into the bowl.
  • Leave to soak for 20 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Flush the toilet. The lime stains should be gone.

With baking soda and citric acid as the main ingredients in the anti-scale formula, you’ll decalcify your toilets without having to go all out! As icing on the cake, your toilets will benefit from the pleasant smell and antibacterial power of tea tree essential oil!

The method with white vinegar to clean toilets

It’s hard to overlook this essential cleaning product that proves its effectiveness in several household tasks. And descaling toilets is no exception! If you have a thin layer of limescale, white vinegar is enough to dissolve it and disinfect the affected walls at the same time. You will see, the solution is as simple as the other. The only difference, you will still rub a little. But not enough to build muscle anyway!

  • Dilute 1-part white vinegar in 2 parts hot water.
  • Pour the vinegar solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution directly on the walls of the bowl.
  • Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.
  • Gently scrub the walls with a sponge or toilet brush.
  • Flush the toilet and repeat the process if necessary.

Again, you can use the deodorizing power of baking soda if you have unpleasant odors. Although white vinegar already performs this role, baking soda can be a complementary addition that ensures the toilet bowl is completely free of unpleasant odors. Simply sprinkle baking soda on the areas affected by tartar and leave it on all day. Once you flush, there should be a good result. It is also worth mentioning that it may be easier to use these tricks if you empty the water from the bowl first. This way, the ingredients will have more of an effect.

How do I clean a heavily calcified toilet bowl?

Even though the solutions already mentioned may be enough to dissolve the limescale, if you have a heavily calcified bowl, you may have to work a little harder. But then again, you don’t have to exert yourself like a fighter. You can rely on sandpaper and a little thriftiness on your part, and you’ll have the stubborn tartar removed in minutes. Here’s how:

  • Choose the roughness of the sandpaper according to the hardness of the scale.
  • Carefully scrape off the lime deposits with the light sandpaper
  • Once the surface deposit is removed, you can proceed with coarse sandpaper to polish off any remaining deposits.

You will see from these tricks that the true principle is based above all on a methodical mindset. And the most important thing? A regular cleaning rhythm, so that lime doesn’t have time to settle on the walls of your toilets! After all, it’s all about the cleaning setting.