Finding limescale in the house is always a nasty surprise, but the worst time is when we see it on the glass! Especially in the shower, stagnating water forms stains that, if neglected for a long time, become difficult to remove. If this has happened to you too, don’t worry! There are natural remedies that are especially good for this type of surface. In this regard today we will see a very fast and effective method that will make it easier for you to clean your windows and make them as good as new again!


Let’s find out the procedure of the 2-wipe method! Don’t worry, it is simple, and you will say goodbye to the hassle of cleaning the windows each time for its practical application. Two cloths means one made of microfiber that is used to wet the glass and degrease it from dirt and lime scale, while another is made of cotton and is useful for drying. This trick is part of the old Grandma’s tricks that was also chosen for window frames and mirrors. This way the glass will be clean without having halos against the light or streaks of water sticking to it. In addition, there is a wide selection of ingredients you can use it with, and I’ll share them all with you below!

  • With vinegar

The first item could only be vinegar, which is perfect for getting shiny shower glass and counteracting the action of lime scale! All you will need to do is fill a basin with warm water and pour 1 glass of vinegar inside (any type will do, but for a pleasant smell, I prefer apple vinegar). Soak the microfiber cloth, wring it out slightly and wipe it over the glass, then with your other hand wipe it off immediately using the cotton cloth. Do this process for all glass and there you go!

  • With baking soda

An ever-present solution among natural remedies, in addition to vinegar, is baking soda! Its abrasive action dissolves even the most difficult dirt, so it will be great in case of particularly dirty glass. All you need to do is dissolve ½ tablespoons of the product in a bucket with warm water and use the resulting mixture with the two cloths. To also spread a good scent you can add 3 or 4 drops of essential oil to your liking and see what a fantastic result!

  • Lemon juice

Lemon juice is not only a great trick for loosening dirt, but also for giving a unique freshness to the shower! The typical cleaning power of this citrus fruit makes it perfect for making all surfaces and especially glass shine. You will need to strain the lemon juice until you get about 3/4 cup, then pour it into 2 cups of water and with this resulting solution you can use the two-wipe method!

  • Bar soap

We conclude our tricks with bar soap, which is perfect in any corner and also for degreasing shower glass! Fill a basin with hot water and pour 1 heaped tablespoon of soap flakes inside, stir to make sure they can dissolve. Now all you have to do is use the microfiber cloth in the resulting solution to wash and the other cloth to dry the glass. Your shower will never be so fragrant and clean!


We recommend trying the remedies first in unseen corners to make sure you do not damage the glass.